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Leilani's POV:

My head was spinning. I couldn't believe I was actually pregnant. I started to cry.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry now Lani. You'll gonna be an amazing mother."Geny said pulling me into a hug.

"But what if he doesn't want it. I don't want my kid growing up without it's dad. I don't want the same thing that happen to me to them. I can't let that happen to them."I sobbed.

"And it won't. With or without Oscar you'll be the best parent there is."

We sat there for another half hour just talking and crying. It felt nice to know that she cared and wanted to be there for me, and to be my plan b. And right now kinda wish I popped one.

I said my goodbyes around 7:30. I hadn't gotten a text or call from Oscar. So I'm assuming that he saw the tests when we saw each other at the corner store.

I took the long way home. I didn't want to see Oscar's face just yet. I didn't want to face what the future might hold.

The whole time I was walking I was trying to look at the bright side. Ruby, Cesar, and Jamal are going to ecstatic when they find out they're going to be uncles. And Monse, she's going to be so happy for me. But going to give me a big ass lecture on how I should've been more careful.

I was about two blocks away when Oscar pulled his car up next to me.

"Lei!"He shouted and motioned me over to the car to get in.

I got in the car but it was silence the whole ride to where ever we were going. At this point I was silently crying and looking out the window. I noticed he was pulling into the secluded parking lot where we first really connected. Where everything started.

He pulled into a spot and let out a deep breath. "You bought pregnancy tests today?"

I couldn't look him in the eyes. "Yeah." I said holding the two tests, he then snatched out of my hands.

"Your pregnant!"He cheered.

"Your not mad?"I finally looked at him.

"No, god no. Bebita (babygirl), I've wanted us to have a family for so long. So, so, so, so, so, long. You think I would leave you? Because of something so beautiful. All I have ever wanted was for you to make a mini me or mini you or a mini both of us."I heard his crack.

A smile sneaked across my face. "A mini both of us would hell."I laughed and finally started crying tears of joy.

"A mini either of us would be hell."He said grabbing my face and kissed me.

"Damn right."I said as I pulled away and saw a few tears slipped down my soon to be husbands face. I got up and straddled his lap just like I did when we first came here.

He placed a hand on my stomach and I placed my hand on top of his.

"I can't wait to meet him."He said.

"Him? That's what I was thinking too."I smiled.

"What names were you thinking of?"

"Well...there's a lot."I laughed.


Leilani's POV: (4 months later)

"Hey babymama."Oscar said wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing my cheek.

"Babydaddy."I turned around.

"Cesar and Ruby are gonna be here soon."He said as we heard them walk in.

"Oscar! Lei!"I heard Ru and Cesar call out.

"Stay here."Oscar said.

A few minutes passed and I see Cesar and Ru come around the corner.

"Your Pregnant!"They said in unison.

"Nah fam I just gained a lot of weight."I laughed pulling them both into a hug.

"Shut up."Ru said.

"I vote girl."Cesar said.

"Of course you would."


The rest of the day passed. It was a good day. I've been having a lot of good days recently. Like a lot of good days. Me and Oscar haven't fought. Me and Ru talked like we never stopped. Ces is still...Ces. But I couldn't help but feel and have this gut feeling that something bad was about to happen. Something big was about to change everything. I didn't feel like it was me being pregnant. It's like there's something larger over our heads that we can't see. There's just something so unthinkable about to happen.

okay quick question..................Y'all think isa girl or a boy?

Also my bad for not updating I got my computer taken away so my bad y'all.



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