Chapter 27.

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Adrielle's POV
Madrid, Spain
5:17 pm.

I am in Madrid. I'm bringing Eliana to see Cristiano for 4 days. I am just going to stay in a hotel to avoid awkwardness.

Dolores is going to Haiti in 2 days! That seems soo quick. Speaking of Haiti, I haven't been there for a while. I want to go soon to see my dad.

Anyway, it's pretty cold so I dressed Eliana up warmly. I took a taxi to Cristiano's house. I heard him & Ese split. Oh well.

We arrived at Cristiano's house and I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. The door opened but a woman with blue eyes and brown hair opened the door.

"Um, I am Adrielle. I am dropping off my daughter to see her father," I said as politely as I can.

"Come in," She said with a thick Russian accent.

I walked in tightening my grip on Eliana. I saw Cristiano cooking with Andrea. I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Cristiano," I said.

He turned around. "Hey Adi," he said and kissed my cheek.

"Whose the Russian chick?" I questioned. She's very pretty, but her attitude..

"My new girlfriend," he said which took me by surprise. He moved on that quickly.

"Does Ese know?" I asked. He shook his head no.

"Have you heard from her?" He asked me.

"No, but I heard from Pilar that she has a new boyfriend," I said. He rolled his eyes.

"It's this real estate agent guy," He said annoyed.

"Why did you say it like that?" I asked smirking.

"No reason," He said, and I laughed.

"You're jealous," I said.

"What? Me, jealous? Phh," he said while chopping some peppers.


"We are happily divorced," He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well she seems to be living her life without you," I said.

"Yeah.. Sergio's not really happy with me," He said. What brother would be that his teammate broke his sisters heart.

"Obviously, you broke his sisters heart," I said. He didn't reply because he knew I was right.

"I just hope she is happy with this Adriano guy," He said. I felt bad for him. He obviously is not happy. Him and Ese were married for a long time.

Unlike Cesc & I, who were married for 3 years. I may not be on good terms with Ese, but I know she isn't sad about the divorce. I'm pretty sure she wanted it anyway.

Esmeralda's POV

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"Almost," he said. I was anxious, I don't like to be surprised. It's not that late. Tomorrow Andres has a football match and I am going to Valencia to support him. Me, Sergio and pilar are going.

I don't want to take a plane so a car is picking us up, and driving us there. It's about 4 hours away. I want to support my son in anyway I can.

"We're here," Adrian said and I grew excited. He got out and opened the door for me. I gasped in shock when I saw. We had been driving for a while, about 4 hours. He actually drove to San Sebastián.

I love San Sebastián. We are on an empty beach, with rosé petals and a dinner set up. It's not that cold anymore actually.

"For you my love," he said taking my hand.

"It's gorgeous, thank you so much," I said. He told me to take my shoes off. We sat down at the table & a waitress came over and brought our food.

We ate and decided to take a walk on the beach, while holding hands. "Thank you, you are such a nice guy,' i said and kissed his cheek.

"No problem," he said. Cristiano only treated me like this in the beginning of our relationship. I understand he's a football player and all but he should pay some attention to his wife.

Overall I think I made the right desisicion. I am happier with Adriano than I was with Cristiano. Or so I think..

Hola! Sorry if its a bit short I'm tired. But enjoy! Goodnight ❤

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