Chapter 30.

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I looked up at him, not knowing what to say. He looked really angry.

"We went to Andres's football match, that's all." I said setting the newspaper down.

"That's all? That's all?" He said with an angry chuckle.

"You guys were basically acting like a couple as it says!!" He screamed.

"How are you going to come up in my house, yelling at me like you own the place!?" I said.

"Shut up! I don't want you seeing him anymore!"

"He's the father of my children, for goodness sake! How can you just tell me to not see him! I will continue to see him whenever I wa-"

He slapped me. Hard. I stared at him in disbelief. My cheek burned.

I slapped him right back. "You bastard!"

Then we started fighting. Physical. Damn his punches hurt. I fought until I couldn't fight anymore.

"Mommy!" I heard and turned to see Alicia. I didn't even realize my dad had brought the kids back. I thought he would bring them back to Cristiano's house.

"Get out of here you nosey prick," he spat at alicia.

"Don't talk to my daughter that way you dickhead! Get the hell out of my house!"

"No," he said stubbornly.

"If you don't get the hell out of my house right now I swear to god I will call the police," I said angrily.

He grabbed his jacket and left. He slammed the door. I turned to see Alicia crying.

"It's okay baby, mommys okay,"

I left to the bedroom and I saw Andrea and Thiago both sleeping. That was a relief.

Andres returned a few hours later, and after that I dropped the kids at Cristiano's house. I didn't go inside, I had marks all over my face and body.

"Bye guys, I will see you soon," I said waving. I drove off and went back home. I fell into a deep sleep..

10:28 am.

I woke up after a nice sleep. My body ached, but it was better than before. I should have accepted this from Adriano. He was crazy, he came from the slums of Rio.

I needed to go to the grocery store, I was running out of things. I made some cereal and then I picked out my outfit. I put on my robe and wet back in the kitchen to get some water.

I heard the doorbell ring and I wondered who it could be. I opened the door and saw Cristiano, he looked really angry.

"Hi Cristiano, what are you doing he-"

"Did Adriano hit you."

I froze. How did he know about that, I didn't know what to say.

"How did you-"

"It Dosent matter. Did he hit you or not?"

I sighed and felt a tear coming out of my eye. I nodded slowly.

"I am going to kill that motherfucker," he said clenching his fist.

"No, please no,"

"And why not?" Cristiano asked.

"Just don't, please."

"Ese, tell me."

"He's crazy.." I said.

"Look at your face Esmeralda," he said and I looked to the floor ashamed.

He took off my robe which led me in just my bra and underwear. I saw his eyes scan over my body quickly.

"Oh my..." He said as he touched one of my scars. I flinched, because it hurt.

"I am so sorry Ese," he said and wiped my tear.

"It's not your fault,"

"It is. If I was a good husband to you this never would have happened,"

I sighed, because it was kind of true.

"Promise me you won't do anything," I said.

"I promise," he said.

He came up and hugged me. It was weird. I felt secure.

We were hugging for a while. "I love you so much," he whispered into my ear.

Adrielle's POV

I am going do it. I am going to get a DNA test for Eliana. I have been doubting her paternity. I know she really looks like Cristiano but I just feel like he's not elianas father.

The father could be Cesc, or a guy I had a one night stand with in Manchester. It was when Cesc was in London, a little before we went to Madrid to visit.

Cristiano would hate me. Esmeralda would hate me. Everyone would hate me. I technically ruined their relationship.

I honestly hope Cristiano is the father. I don't want to tell him what I planned to do. But then it would be hard, I decided to tell him.

I dialed his number, but stopped. He is probably busy. I think he is at training. I need to schedule an appointment too. Hopefully Cristiano would be there. If he agrees..

Rafaella POV

Manaus is great. I been here a few times but it gets better every time. Pablo seems to be having so much fun.

My dads house is so beautiful. His girlfriend is such a nice woman for him. Better than my mom ever was.

My mom, is ugh something. She Dosent seem like that when you meet her. The only one that actually knows how she is, is Esmeralda, my cousin Layla and my dad of course.

When he was arrested, she went like crazy and turned crazy. I had a feeling it was because of his absence.

Pablo never seemed to notice it, but I did. She always acts like she's so nice to me. But we know she's really not.

She was really sweet and like the best mom ever. Not anymore! She was mean, and never let me do anything.

At one of my friends birthday parties, he came and yelled at me for talking to my sad on the phone. Like what the heck. Am I not allowed to speak to my own father?

This is why I love going to Manaus. I get to be away from we for a while. It give some some you know, freedom.

Hey guys!! How did you like the chapter. Well ups and downs chapter will be soon. I don't know when. So stay tuned. Adios!

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