Chapter 25.

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Adrielle's POV
2 weeks later

I am back in London. I know I had caused some trouble back in Madrid. But Ese deserved it, she did the same to me and Cesc. I spoke to my dad recently and I might go see him in Haiti. I haven't seen him for a while so I want to see how he is doing.

I am at home still, taking care of baby Eliana. I can't keep traveling so Cristiano is going to come here. He has a game in London so he will be coming. I am glad Eliana can be with her father for a while.

I finished cooking, I made some coxinhas. It was a snack I used to eat all the time in Brazil. It is sooo delicious. I ate a few and gave some to the kids, not Eliana of course. She's too young.

I sent some pictures of Eliana to Cristiano because I know he wants to be fully updated. I heard Ese is moving too. Too bad. She's being selfish cause how is Cristiano gonna see the kids if she lives on the other side of the city. But then again I live on the other side of Europe. Okay okay, but that's different though.

Dolores POV

Ese is leaving today, and I am so sad. I am leaving to Haiti next month too. I can't wait to be with Felix. I had a talk with Cristiano and he better be paying Ese. He said he is going to give her 10,000 euros a month. That's a lot in my opinion but I feel he just wants her to be nice to him or something.

I am going to miss my grand babies! I am going to Portugal first though to see my other kids. I heard Haiti is amazing from Felix, so I'm so excited to go!!

Rafaella POV

I have changed my ways. Well kind of. Sebastian is my life, I will do anything for him. The reason I have been bitter most of my life is because of the absence of my father. I was 11 when he left, my little brother was 1. He left, and moved to Manaus, in northern brazil. I hated him for it. He called all the time though, and I went to Manaus sometimes to visit him. My mom hated him with a passion though.

I loved him though, even though he lives about 1000 miles away, in the big city. I am supposed to be going to Manaus this weekend.

I heard he has a new girlfriend, I met her and she's very nice. She's very beautiful also! Her name is Sabrina Morais. She's from here in Brazil.

Esmeralda's POV

Today is the day, I am moving! I am so excited but the kids are not. They are going to see Cristiano every week for a couple of days. Friday to Monday. That's good for me.

I am thinking of getting a job because I can't be living off of Cristiano's money. I need to support the kids so I am going to go job searching a few days after we get settled in.

I don't know what kind of job I want but I want a nice job that pays. I was thinking in a newspaper place, or maybe some type of business place. I will have Sergio's girlfriend help me.

I had a lot of bags and there is a truck outside. Sergio is going to drive us there and someone from the moving company will drive the moving truck.

When we get to the house all the furniture is set we just need to unpack our clothes. I am so excited. The kids are saying their last goodbyes to Cristiano.

"Bye daddy!" Alicia said in tears hugging him.

"Bye baby girl, ill miss you,"

"I'll miss you too daddy."

The kids went out to the car with Sergio and I have Thiago to Dolores to bring him in the car.

"So.. this is it?" He said his voice kind of cracking a little.

"I guess so." I said.

He pulled me in for a hug, which didn't seek awkward at all. "I am so sorry Ese.. for everything."

I backed away and nodded. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I blinked them back. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Goodbye Cristiano,"

Hola!! I updated on time this time. Lol. Ese and Cristiano are apart. Aww. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, goodnight ❤

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