Chapter 3

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The boy blinked as a lady in blue shone a bright light into his eyes. It was stupid and everything was far too bright without the light in his eyes, never mind with it.

If he could remember where he was, or who he was, he'd get himself out of there and back to wherever he was from.

The only trouble was that he had a seriously hard time remembering anything.

"Can you tell me your name?"

The boy blinked, only just realising that the lady was done shining stuff into his eyes. As hard as he tried to think, nothing came to his head. It was like everything in his head was just blank.

"Honey, what's your name?" the lady repeated.

"I don't know," he mumbled, trying to process why he didn't know. But it's hard to figure out why you don't know something when you know nothing.

"That's okay. Do you know where you are?"

The boy looked around the room, it was white. Too white. Suspiciously white. "No."

"What year is it?"

"I don't know," the boy sighed, accepting that he didn't know anything and trying to think was doing nothing but making his head hurt more than it already was.

"Okay. There's someone who needs to talk to you. Do you want to talk to them now?"

The boy shrugged. "I guess."

The lady smiled slightly and opened the door. "I'll call the doctor in. If you ever want to talk, just ask for Sheila. I'll come and talk with you."

The boy nodded and smiled slightly. "Thank you, Sheila," he mumbled.

"No worries."

As the door closed, the boy took the opportunity to properly look around the room. It was big, or maybe it was small, there wasn't anything in his head to compare it against. A weird thing kept beeping, his head was throbbing in time with it.

Overall, he hated the room.

"Hi, Sheila told me that you're having trouble remembering things."

The boy nodded, looking up and down at the man that had just walked in.

"My name's Dr. Smith. You can call me Ryan if you want to. I don't mind. How are you feeling?"

"Okay. I don't know," the boy mumbled, trying to figure out how to phrase what was happening in his head. "I feel funny. I know stuff but my head won't tell me what I know."

"That's fine. I just want to talk with you."

The boy nodded and tried to sit up to talk properly to the doctor.

"Stay lying down," the doctor told him. "I can lift the bed so you're sitting up more, if you'd like."

"How can you lift it if I'm on it?" the boy asked.

"It's simple. I press this button and the bed lifts. I can also move it down so you're lying flat," the doctor explained.

The boy looked at the small remote with wonder as the doctor raised the top of the bed. Honestly, the boy did panic when he felt himself being moved by the bed but pretended he wasn't.

"Is that better?"

The boy nodded as he shifted slightly to make himself more comfortable. "Yeah."

"Alright." The doctor sat down in the chair beside the boy's bed. "So, the police looked at your fingerprints and we examined your DNA to see if we have any data about your relatives or you."

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