Chapter 21

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TW: Mentions if abuse.

Jack might have forgotten to ask Medda if Davey could stay the night. He also forgot to tell Davey he forgot to ask.

It had been hectic when Race arrived back, a boy Jack figured was Spot in tow. They went straight to Race's room, Medda followed soon after and brought two plates up to them at dinner.

"Jack?" Davey whispered as they lay in the bed together. Jack hummed. "I was wondering, you can say no if you want, but would you maybe want to be my boyfriend?"

Jack smiled and pressed a short kiss to Davey's cheek. "I'd really like to. Thank you."

Davey pulled away suddenly and Jack frowned. His worries weren't eased by Davey waving his hand in the air. He loudly sneezed a moment later.

"Sorry," he mumbled, leaning back towards Jack and resting himself on the pillow.

"Don't be sorry. It's your allergies."

"Says the guy without any allergies," Davey retorted, poking Jack slightly in his unbruised side.

"I'm actually allergic to pineapple. And wasp stings," Jack said. "Not the same type allergies but still."

"You're allergic to pineapple?"

Jack hummed in response, turning his head to look Davey in the eyes. "The first time I ate it I couldn't breathe and got a really bad rash so my foster mother brought me to the hospital. She was really nice. And she was a nurse so she looked after me. There was tests done and they said I was allergic.

"One time some boys tried to mess with me and put some pineapple and its juice in a fruit salad and I nearly went into anaphylactic shock so now I've got an Epi-Pen in case it happens."

"Has it ever happened?" Davey asked. He sat up and turned around so he was lying on his front, his chin resting on Jack's good shoulder.

"Once. Wouldn't recommend it though," Jack joked, laughing slightly. When Davey laughed in return, he relaxed.

"Now I feel bad for complaining about my seasonal allergies. You've got it a lot worse."

"It's fine. That's just life, no point complaining."

"Jack?" Davey whispered. Jack hummed in response. "Can I kiss you?"

Jack looked at Davey and nodded. Davey reached his hand up and cupped Jack's cheek before he leaned in and pressed his lips to Jack's. Jack hummed and wrapped his arm around Davey's waist.

They pulled apart for air and Jack grinned up at Davey. Davey thought he almost looked drunk, the goofy grin, the giddy look in his eyes. Jack slid his hand under Davey's shirt and went to kiss him again when a knock interrupted them.

"Can I come in, Jack?" Medda asked through the door. "I've got your painkillers."

Jack looked at Davey with wide eyes.

"It's okay. I'll hide under the covers. Just pile some of the decorative pillows on me," Davey explained quietly and quietly. "I'll be silent. Don't worry."

Once Davey was hidden as best as they could hide him, Jack called back to Medda, "You can come in, Medda."

The door opened slowly and Jack tried to slow down his racing heart. Medda smiled at him as she placed a glass of water on the bedside table.

"How're you feeling, darling?"

"I'm okay. It's kinda sore but I think it's 'cause I'm tired," Jack explained. "My shoulder feels better though. Can I take the sling off soon?"

Medda raised her eyebrows at Jack. "It hasn't been a week. You're not taking that off 'til we get to the doctor and she says you can take it off."


"You'll be back to normal in no time at all. Then we can move you back into your own room and get back to normal," Medda promised. "And I swear, if anyone tries to make you go to a different placement when you don't want to, I will fight to keep you with us."

Jack blinked and asked, "You want me to stay here?"

Medda sat down on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on Jack's leg. Jack smiled at her and tried to move over slightly but he didn't want to bump into Davey.

"Let's sit you up. Do you need help?"

"No. I think- I'll be okay."

Medda waited patiently as Jack sat himself up, offering her arm out one time when Jack titled slightly to the side but took it back when he shook his head. When Jack was situated and nodded at her, Medda picked up the bottle of pills and shook two into Jack's hand. She then passed him a bottle of water and waited while he took the pills.

"Do you need anything else?" she asked, brushing Jack's hair off of his forehead. "More pillows? Some more water?"

"No thank you," Jack said. "I think I'll just sleep."

"Alright." Medda leaned forward and kissed the top of Jack's head. "Goodnight, baby."

Jack slid down and buried his head into the pillow. "Goodnight, Medda."

Medda opened the door and stopped before she left. "Goodnight, David."

Davey sat up quickly, his cheeks red as he avoided looking at Medda. "Goodnight, Miss Larkin." He turned to Jack when the door was shut and placed a hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry," Jack said, his words coming out quickly but like he was struggling to speak at the same time. "I thought she wouldn't see you."

"Hey, hey, Jackie. It's okay. Medda's chill, she won't mind and she won't be mad about us."

"I know that. I know. But I'm just so scared." Jack let out a shaky breath. "And I know it's irrational because Medda doesn't care that I like guys but I've seen foster parents beat kids for being gay and it's always just made me a bit cautious."

Davey kissed Jack's cheek. "We can talk with Medda in the morning but for now let's just sleep. Sleep makes everything a bit better."

Jack nodded and threw some of the small pillows towards the end of the bed, clearing the space for Davey again. They got comfortable together again and Jack brought his arm to Davey's head, gently brushing his hair.

"She didn't know I was staying the night, did she?" Davey asked, glancing up at Jack.

"No," Jack admitted.

"I figured."

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