Chapter 22

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TW: Poor body image.

Davey woke before Jack the next morning. He didn't really expect Jack to be awake anyway. The painkillers seemed to yanking a toll on him. But they were doing what they were meant to do so Davey supposed it was a minor win.

There was a light tapping at the door and for a moment Davey wasn't sure if he'd imagined it or not.

"It's Crutchie, can I come in?"

Davey was anything but relieved at the warning but said a quiet 'yes' regardless. He supposed that it would be worse if he said nothing.

"Hey," Crutchie said with a small smile as he pushed open the door slowly. Both boys winced as the hinges creaked. 

"Hey," Davey replied.

"I, um, I've got an apple for Jack. Mama thinks he could do with a bit more meat on his bones. She didn't exactly say that but y'know, she always gives him bigger portions and slips him extra food throughout the day. But, anyways. I'll leave it here for him."

Crutchie left it beside the half-drank glass of water and turned to leave the room. "She's gonna start breakfast in, like, thirty minutes."

"Crutchie?" Davey said, stopping Crutchie. "Is Miss Larkin mad?"

"At you? No. At Jack for not telling her? Also no but she would have liked a bit of a warning for breakfast," Crutchie explained. "Do pancakes and fruit sound good?"

"Yeah. That sounds fine with me. Should I wake Jack up?"

Crutchie looked at Jack sleeping peacefully. "Give him a few more minutes. He deserves it."

"Alright." Davey kissed the top of Jack's head.

"Also, thank you, David," Crutchie said as he opened the door. "Race and I look out for Jack the best we can but you've really helped him. He just seems so happy when you're around."

"I like being around Jack. I don't feel like I have to pretend around him."

"You know you don't have to pretend around us either," Crutchie promised. "Honestly, you've seen what Racer's like. You don't need to pretend."

Davey laughed slightly. "Thanks. For being so cool about me and Jack but also for talking to me my first day."

"Don't worry 'bout it. You're really cool, David. More than you give yourself credit for. And you looked terrified. The least I could do was be a friend."

Davey looked away and started to pick at the skin around his nails. "I don't really talk about it much, I guess, but I had a pretty rough time in my old school and I guess I didn't really bother to try when we moved here," he admitted. "I wasn't in a great place and you helped me."

Crutchie didn't say anything. He logically knew that wasn't the best of reactions, there were a hundred better reactions and a hundred worse ones too so maybe it was a slight win.

"I'm sorry," Davey said quickly, hanging his head, "I shouldn't have dumped all that on you."

"No," Crutchie said quickly. "Don't worry. I'm always here to listen if you need someone to talk to."

Davey smiled awkwardly, he was almost thankful when Jack rolled over and choked out a noise of discomfort.

"Hey, don't roll over, Jackie," Davey said quickly. "Stay lying down. We'll help you sit up." Jack groaned as Davey placed a hand on his good arm and another on his waist. "There we go. How's that?"

Jack blinked as he fully woke up. "What's goin' on?" he mumbled.

"Nothing, you just rolled onto your bad shoulder. It's morning."

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