Chapter 19

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Jack was let go home from the hospital when he woke up. Medda drove him home with Crutchie in the front and Race given enough money to get home on the subway. Jack felt bad that he'd taken up Race's seat with his leg but Medda also wouldn't be even the tiniest bit lenient with the doctor's rules.

Race didn't mind so much when Medda gave him an extra ten dollars and allowed him to go visit his boyfriend as well.

"David wants to come over later and visit you," Crutchie said, twisting slightly in his seat to look at Jack.

"He does?"

Crutchie nodded. "He says that his parents are out of town until Sunday night to visit some relatives so they're staying there for Shabbat and then they're coming home to make sure they are ready for school on Monday so he can stay after his normal curfew."

"I'm glad you and David are such good friends, Jack," Medda commented, glancing at Jack in the rear view mirror. "You two seem good for each other."

Crutchie raised an eyebrow at Jack who shook his head slightly. "Yeah, David's nervous around all of us but he really likes hanging out with you. He texts me every morning to see how you are and if you're going into school."

"Really?" Crutchie nodded and Jack smiled. "I really like Davey. He's really nice for helping me with studying and he doesn't think I'm stupid when I ask questions."

"Good. No one should make you feel stupid. You aren't and if someone makes you feel stupid purposefully, they don't deserve to be friends with you."

Jack nodded into his chest. "I really like him."


Medda had moved Jack into the guest room. She said once he was on crutches they'd see about moving him back to his normal room upstairs. But until then he was in the guest room, just as he was starting to feel at home. At least the sheets he liked had been moved to there and Medda had put some of his other things in with them too.

"How are you feeling? You don't want any painkillers or some ice, do you?" she pestered as he settled.

"No thanks. Thank you for doing all this for me. I would have been fine on the stairs."

Medda sat down on the edge of the bed. "Why don't you relax for a little while 'til David gets here? There's the TV or I can grab you anything you need."

"I'm okay. I might just sleep," Jack said, sliding slightly so he could get comfortable. "I'm tired."

"Alright. You sleep. I'll drop you in something to eat in an hour, does that sound good?"

Jack nodded and let Medda fuss with his duvet, tucking him in tightly. When she leaned down to kiss his forehead, he let his eyes slip shut.

"Sleep tight, darling."

"Thank you, Mama," Jack mumbled.

"Of course, Jack. Anything for my boys."

Medda flicked off the bedside lamp before she slipped out of the room quietly, shutting the door behind her. She stood outside the door for a moment, a smile on her face.


Jack was woken up by someone sneezing beside him. It took a moment for his head to actually realise he was awake but once he did, there was another sneeze.

"Bless you," he mumbled, turning his head towards the source of the sneezing. "Why are you on the floor?"

"I didn't want to wake you," Davey explained. "So I sat down here."

"Come up with me, Dave," Jack pleaded. "You'll catch a chill sitting on the floor. That's why you're sneezing."

Davey rolled his eyes but got into the bed beside Jack. "Nice try, Jackie. I'm sneezing 'cause I've got allergies."

Jack curled himself onto Davey's side as much as his casts would allow. Davey wrapped his arms around Jack, being wary not to touch his shoulder.

It was nice. Jack was never really comfortable with much physical contact, most probably because it was never caring, but lately slaps had become gentle and caring touches.

He hated how much he'd let his guard down, even if it was nice not having to be on alert all the time.

"You okay?" Davey whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

Davey shrugged, resting his head on Jack's chest. "You just looked distant."

"I'm just thinking 'bout stuff."

"What stuff?"

Jack didn't answer. He didn't know how to answer. "Just stuff. Doesn't matter."

"Okay," Davey muttered. He sneezed before continuing, "How're you feeling?"

"Fine. I guess I'm just tired all the time."

Davey nodded and smiled up at Jack. He didn't say anything, not knowing partially what to say but also wanting to stay there, enjoying the peaceful quiet.

He figured that Jack felt the same as he made no move to try and reinitiate conversation.

A little while later, they started chatting aimlessly, and a while after that, they grew bored. Lying down together was fine but there was only so much they could do.

"D'you wanna watch a movie?"

Davey smiled and sat up. "Sure."

"Medda's got some DVDs and I think most streaming services but if we can't find a movie we can just pirate it," Jack said, sitting himself up with great effort.

Davey hopped up from the bed and helped Jack sit up. He wheeled the wheelchair over to the bed before he stopped.

"How do we do this?" he asked.

"Um," Jack mumbled, thinking for a moment. "Maybe if I stand on my good leg and you help me stay up and help me sit into the chair."

"Okay. Give me your hand." Davey held Jack's hand as Jack stood, wrapping his free arm around the shorter boy's waist when he was standing.

They got standing, supported largely by Davey while Jack tried to balance. Jack tipped forward slightly but didn't complain as he landed against Davey's chest, lifting his head so he could press a quick kiss to Davey's lips.

"Oh," Davey mumbled.


"I wasn't expecting that," he explained. "It wasn't bad though."

Jack smiled as Davey lowered him into the wheelchair. "I'm glad," he smiled before looking up at Davey. "You're gonna have to push me since I only got one working arm right now."

As Davey pushed Jack into the living room, he asked, "Hey, do you wanna stay over tonight? Tell Medda we're having a sleepover?"

"I'd love to, Jackie."

1075 words

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