Chapter 8

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Jack didn't know how long they spent in the blanket fort, watching funny animal videos. He didn't fully understand how they got the videos, he understood that laptops let you see anything you wanted to so he presumed that's how they got it. How it got from Crutchie's laptop to the TV confused him. Most things confused him - he knew he was stupid for it - and all he wanted was to have his memory back. Or just to have someone tell him that he wasn't crazy. Everything far too stressful.

Snyder made sure he was fully aware of that.

"What are you boys doing in here?" Medda asked, sticking her hair around the doorframe. "I know the fort only goes up for special occasions."

"We're watching videos of seals and hyenas," Race explained, glancing over his shoulder.

"That sounds great." Medda turmef to Jack. "Jack, can I talk to you?"

Jack stood up and left the fort, walking over to Medda, avoiding eye contact for as long as he could.

"I didn't get to properly meet you earlier. Your social worker would not stop talking about her cats."

Jack looked up at her and smiled.

"You're the lady," he said slowly.

"Excuse me, honey."

"The lady. I was dead and there was a lady and she looked like you."

Race looked back in the direction where they were talking with a confused look on his face. He looked at Crutchie who shrugged.

"I'm not crazy," Jack defended when there was silence. "It mightn't of been you but there was a lady and she looked like you. I ain't lying."

Medda placed a hand on Jack's arm. "Honey, why don't we go talk in the kitchen?"

Jack deflated before nodding and mumbling out a, "Okay." He followed her down the stairs, noting the seat attached to the stairs. That was probably the lift thing Crutchie had mentioned earlier.

"Jack, I just want to talk to you about what you are and aren't comfortable with," Medda explained. "Just so I can help you with anything."

"I'm fine with anything," Jack shrugged. "Don't get uncomfortable or nothing."

"Okay. Is there anything you need help with in school?"

"No. I'm good at math. Not any of that algebra stuff but shapes and money are easy. I heard they have art but Mr. Snyder wanted me to do just proper subjects 'cause I'd get nowhere doing art."

"What do you mean?"

"He said only wannabe DaVincis and druggies are artists."

"That isn't true Jack, we can talk to the office on Monday and get you placed into art. And we can go shopping soon for some art supplies. I'm sure you might need some more clothes too."

"Oh no, it's fine," Jack brushed her off.

"We don't have to do it today but sometime soon. I have some supplies in my theatre that you can use for now," Medda explained. "If you'd prefer to use those."

Jack nodded. Agreeing to use old equipment would be perfect. He could still do art but wouldn't have to burden Medda with the cost of art supplies and he would be on her hood side for accepting something from her.

"Is there any foods you don't like? Or any food you like more than others?"

"No. I'll eat whatever. I don't even care if it's hot or cooked or nothing."

Years of have no to eat stolen food, leftovers of older and younger boys, and scraps from the backs of restaurants left Jack with the inability to be fussy over food.

"You don't need to worry about food being cooked or not here. You'll always have food here and if you're ever hungry between meals there's a snack cupboard with bars and crackers," Medda explained. "And if there's ever anything you want me to buy for you to add to the cupboard, just let me know."

Jack nodded. "I really like those little sticks of sausage. Y'know the ones in the cafeteria. They're nice."

Medda smiled and scribbled that down on a sheet of paper in front of her.

"Those are nice. I'd buy them only Charlie and Toni don't like them and I would forget they were there."

"You don't have to get them if Racer and Crutchie don't like them."

"Nonsense, honey," Medda said, waving her hand toward Jack. "If you want them, I'll get them."

"Thank you, Miss Medda."

"No problem. Now, about school. I know you know where my room is so if at anytime during the day you want to come by if you get overwhelmed or just need to talk for a minute, you come there."

"Alright. Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. Why don't you go back to the boys? I'm sure they have lots more they want to show you."

"Yeah," Jack nodded. "That sound cool."

He turned to leave the kitchen and go back upstairs to the room but stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Miss Medda?"

"Yeah, honey?"

"You don't think I'm weird, do you? I mean, you didn't only agree to look after me because of my head."

"No. Never. I agreed to look after you because you are a great kid who just needs a little extra help with one or two things."

Jack thought for a moment, his immediate response would be to deny the help and say that he was fine on his own. For once, he didn't say that. "Thank you, Miss Medda, for not thinking I'm some weirdo."

"Honey, you'd have to do something big for me to think of you as a weirdo. I've lived with Toni for six years. It takes a lot for me to find anything weird."

Jack smiled and shrugged. "Thanks."

"Don't worry. It's going to take a lot more than a brain injury for me to think any less of you."

Smile broadly, that's all Jack could do. Someone likes him for him, no pity or lying. Just Jack.

Of course he knew Race liked him for him too but there was something different about a friend his age and an adult. It felt nice to know someone older, more mature, didn't think he was a charity case.

"I don't want to keep you from-" Medda paused for a moment to think before continuing "-whatever you boys are watching videos of."

Jack smiled at her and made his way up the stairs. When he reached the doorway, Race shouted at him, "Jack, get a move on. I found the greatest video ever."

Jack grinned and rushed back to the blanket fort and dropped onto the ground.

Maybe he didn't need all his memories. Maybe he could make some new ones.

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