Chapter 17

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TW: Crying.

"Jack's got a dad," Crutchie said as Medda walked through the doors to the hospital room. "He's worried 'cause he hasn't spoken to him in ages."

"I spoke with his social worker. Apparently Jack's name is Francis and he was in a home in Queens before we found him in the back alley," Medda explained. "That's why we couldn't find anything about him."

"Didn't anyone report him missing? I mean, like, a missing kid isn't just nothing."

Medda passed a travel cup into Crutchie's hands before placing a hand on his shoulder. She sighed before saying, "It wasn't the best of group homes. They didn't have much funding and I don't know why they didn't report it but I'm sure there was a reasoning."

Crutchie took a long sip from the cup. "Where's Toni?"

"He's staying at Albert's tonight. It's been a day for him and I know being with Albert makes him relaxed." He nodded along as Medda spoke. "We're going to have to get home soon."

"But what about Jack? We can't just leave him alone."

Medda rubbed Crutchie's shoulder. "Visiting hours are over soon, darling. We have to go home."

"Will he still be allowed stay with us?"

"That's something Jack would have to discuss with his social worker. There'd be many things to figure out first."

"But you'd let him stay if he wanted to, right?"

"Of course. Everything will be figured out once Jack's feeling better."

"Okay." Crutchie nodded and grabbed his crutch, sticking it under his arm as he hauled himself up from the chair.

Medda pressed a kiss to Jack's forehead before wrapping an arm around Crutchie's shoulders and guiding him out of the hospital. They both sat in silence in the car for a while until Crutchie sneezed.

"I hate the smell of hospitals," he commented. "Antiseptic always messes with my nose."

"Thank you for being with Jack while I spoke with his social worker. You didn't have to."

"Of course I did," Crutchie argued. "Jack's my brother. I had to be there for him."

"I know he is. But I know you also don't like hospitals," Medda pointed out.

Crutchie rested his head against the window, watching as Medda pulled out of the car park and drove away from the hospital. He let out a quiet sigh, he wasn't sure why. There was just some relief in knowing Jack was okay, maybe to okay but he would be.

"I love Jack," he stated, "and I'm more than happy to put up with my hatred for hospitals for him. For either of my brothers."

"Let's head home, darling. I'll put on some pasta and we can watch some movies. Your pick," Medda promised.

"Thanks, Mama. I love you."


Jack sat up in the hospital bed as he stared blankly at the wall opposite. His social worker was talking beside him but he just didn't care enough to listen.

"Francis, I need you to talk with me."

Jack pushed away the hand that had been placed on his knee.

"I want my dad," he mumbled.

"I know you do but we really need to figure out what to do with your placement situation," Maria explained.

Jack turned away from her and closed his eyes. "Why can't I just stay with Miss Medda?"

"I didn't place you with her, I don't know if she's registered. I'd rather have you in a placement I know is good."

"But they're never good, are they? I always end up sent away or beat for existing. Maybe if you did your job properly, we wouldn't be here right now."

"Francis, I try-"

Jack cut her off. "My name's Jack," he exclaimed. "Not Francis. I've told you this before."

Maria sighed. "I'm sorry, Jack. I try my best to find the best placements I can. None of them have ever had a history of abuse, I would never send you to a home like that."

"So you're saying I'm the problem."

"Franci- Jack. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that maybe you could try a bit harder."

Jack turned around to face Maria, a scowl on his face. "I try so hard, okay? Why can't you just see that?"

"I understand you try. I'll speak with Miss Larkin and see if she wants to keep fostering you."

"Fine. Can you leave now?" Jack asked.

"That's not very polite."

"I don't care," he stated, tilting his head from his social worker. "I want to sleep."

Maria sighed and stood from the chair. She went to leave the room but stopped just at the doorframe. "I hope you think about what I've said to you. Maybe you just need to try a bit harder."

"Please, leave," Jack mumbled. "Just leave me alone."

He went back to sitting in silence in the empty hospital room once Maria left, the feeling of loneliness being nothing but familiar.

"Hi, Jack. I have your meds here if you're up to taking them now."

Jack didn't answer, trying to blink back the tears that were starting to build up for no reason. The nurse seemed to notice and stopped checking over Jack.

"Oh, it's okay, Jack. You'll be home soon," the nurse promised. "Is there anyone we can call to help you relax?"

"I want my dad," Jack grumbled.

"Okay, do you know his number so we can call him?"

"You can't. He's in prison."

"Which prison? I'll see if we're able to pull some strings for you," the nurse promised.

Jack blinked. He hadn't spoken to his dad for a while and he would like to. Maybe just when he felt like he was constantly on the verge of crying his eyes out.

"Would you really do that for me?" he asked. The nurse nodded and Jack felt himself have another reason to cry all over again. And cry he did.

"Do you want to talk about what's going on?" She sat in the seat beside Jack's bed and offered him a comforting smile.

"I don't want to get sent to a different home. Nobody will take me and I don't want to end up in a group home until
I age out," Jack explained, sniffling as he tried to stop the tears from falling.

"But Miss Medda is so kind to me and I dunno if she actually cares about me but it's better than a group home. And Crutchie and Race treat me like, it's stupid, but they feel like brothers to me."

"Have you told anyone this? Maybe explaining it to your social worker or Miss Larkin might help them understand why you want to stay with her," the nurse suggested.

"Yeah, I dunno," Jack mumbled.

"Okay, I'll go see if it's possible for you to talk with your dad. Why don't you try and sleep while I do that?"

Jack nodded and slid down the bed slightly, digging his head into the pillow. He couldn't get comfortable with his leg being propped up on pillows and held securely in place by a support but he tried his best.

When the nurse left the room, there wasn't much Jack could do to stop himself from letting go of all the tears and emotions that had been building up all afternoon.

He didn't fall asleep but when he eventually did, the tears hadn't stopped.

1226 words

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