Welcome to the Club

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I'm pretty miffed that I was on the run while my team got to run wild fighting Tony's mistake Ultron. Which I didn't even know happened until I got home and found the whole building in shambles after Ultron wrecked the place. I missed out on like everything! Tony and Bruce's freaking love child Vision! Apparently JARVIS died... But not really. He's now part of that weird love child Vision thing going on.... And now we've got some lady called Friday, instead of JARVIS.... And blahddy blahddy blahddy blah a whole bunch of other fun stuff!

At least I get to be part of tonight's little activity. While my friends got to go be in the spotlight, they acquired us two new weirdos to be part of our little hero club. I've been told by Clint that they're twins, both really powerful, and have personalities that don't suck!

Right now, I'm in my room doing my favorite thing in the whole world. Experimenting with my capabilities. I know that sounds kind of weird, shouldn't I know what I can do? Well yes, I should. And I do. I'm a metamorphmagus.... I can make myself look how ever I damn well please. Like right now, my is a pixie cut, and pastel blue. But a minute ago it was floor length and aqua blue. I should probably be getting ready for the welcoming party for our new club members. But... Screw that, it only takes me half a second.

I look at my reflection in the mirror, and make a funny face. I remind myself of a cat then wonder.... Can I still metamorph when I shapeshift? (Cuz that's a thing) only one way to find out....

I shift into a sleek little kitty, and try to turn myself pink.... It only half works... My little cat butt is pink... But not the shade I was going for.... Oh well.... It was worth a try right?

I shift back into "myself" or at least the appearance I'm most confident in. Kinda tall, thin with just the right amount of curves, soft bouncy hair that's dark at the top and purple at the bottom. I wish my powers would let me change my clothes too, but we can't have everything can we...

I choose a cream colored halter dress and black leggings with silver studs on the sides to wear. I feel like this is a good look for a first impression. I've never actually met these twins, I hope Clint was right about them.

I come around the corner to the sitting area where Clint, Tony, Steve, who I suppose are the twins and a red... Person? are already sitting.

"Am I late or early?" I ask brightly giving a friendly smile.

"Right on time, babycakes," Tony says gesturing for me to join the group.

"Where's Nat, n' Thor?" I asked directing the question at Clint.

"Probably running late," he replies scooting over to make room for me on the couch. I looked to the twins. Both pale skinned and looking a little nervous. The girl had long brown hair, and deep knowing eyes. The man had strangely captivating eyes that to me looked like a stormy sky. His hair darker at the bottom, and not exactly grey but more of a snow dusted white covering the majority of his hair. I liked it. The red man, who I now figured out was Vision. I couldn't look him in the eyes very long. They swam with... I'm not sure, knowledge? Insight? Compassion? Life? Something....

"Hi, you must be the two new members we're celebrating tonight! I'm sorry I haven't actually met you guys yet. My names Daphne,"

"Pipe down perky pants," Tony commented. "You're never this nice to me,"

"That's because no one likes you Stark," Steve interjected. "Daph is nice to everyone except you,"

"That's not true. I'm nice to you Tony. You're just mean to me! Now hush, it's not fair that everyone else has gotten to meet our new friends I haven't,"

The girl laughed at our bickering. I smiled at her encouragingly. "I'm sorry," she said "I do not mean to laugh at you,"

I smiled wide, "no no, laughing is good. Especially at Tony," now the man smiled too. Tony huffed, he probably wasn't happy that he failed in embarrassing me.

"I'm Wanda, thees ees my brother Pietro," the girl said, motioning to her brother. He smiled and nodded at me.

"I am called Vision" said the red man. "Pleased to make your acquaintance"

"Nice to meet you, Daphany," said Pietro, just as Bruce, Nat, Thor and Maria walked in.

Despite almost everyone else in the room being aquatinted with one another, Maria still had to introduce herself to the twins and Vision.

As the night progressed, you found that Clint was indeed right. The twins were really funny. After they loosened up of course.

Vision was a bit stiff, but not awkward. Almost like he was just kindly observing and making polite conversation when addressed. Pietro had a quirky sarcastic sense of humor and Wanda had a warm welcoming laugh that made me feel good.

We laughed and talked. Tony practically forced me to show my "party tricks" shape shifting into animals. Changing my face and hair. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it. It was a good welcome party. I think out three new friends found us charming and worthy of their trust. This was going to be great!

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