Angels In Hell

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I swam back into consciousness, and was greeted immediately by the freezing cold concrete floor that I'd been carelessly tossed upon.

I did not dare open my eyes, instead I listened as hard as I could to gather clues about my surroundings before revealing that I am alert.

I listen intently, and discover only two things. I am not alone. But there is only one other person in the room. As far as I can tell. I open an eye, and realize I'm facing a wall. My wrists are shackled with cuffs and chains. So I gently roll over careful not to make too much noise.

I open one eye and peer out to see bars. I'm in a cell. Well that's just fantastic I think.

I open my other eye, and sit up as carefully as I can. Immediately I regret doing that, my head throbs in pain. Too much movement, way too fast. I clutch my head and sit against the cold concrete wall. I accidentally made noise because my chains rattled.

I can feel a large lump on my temple, and I vaguely remember being struck by the club. I try to use my powers, shift to an animal that heals quickly. But I'm met with an electric shock. I cry out in pain, unable to contain my scream.

Beside me, the other person I detected earlier makes themselves known.

"Daphne?" They call out. I know that voice. It is a friendly voice, filled with pain and fear. And it's in the holding cell next to me.

"Thor," I call back. "What's happened?"

"I do not know. I woke up a few minutes ago, same as yourself," his voice is good to hear, something familiar. Although I can't see him.

"What are we going to do?" I ask him.

"There is nothing we can do. The collars we wear prevent us from using our powers,"

"Yeah, I got that..." I grumbled. Before I could say another word a door opened into the prison-like laboratory we were being held in.

A man in a dark coat walked in, and the woman from before was with him. The same woman that shot us, back in the tower.

"I'm sure you're wondering what's going on. How to escape and all the details to what's happened hear. But I will not being telling you any of these things," said the man. I paid him to attention. What I wanted to do was transform into a wolf or a bear and tear the woman apart. I don't like getting shot.

"All you need to know is that attempting to use your pagan magic will give you an electric shock, and you will not be able to use your magic,"

"We aren't pagan," I spat.

"Oh but you are," he retorted "you claim to be a nephilim, spawn of a human and an angel,"

"Arch Angel, actually," I was not taking any of his crap, "and yes I am a nephilim,"

"Nephilims are not real. And neither is your large friend here. A so called god. Pah! No such thing,"

"Then what's your reasoning for out powers?" I taunted.

"There may not be a god, but there is a devil. And you are his servants. Demons, bringers of evil,"

I couldn't help but laugh a bit in my head, this is ridiculous. "So you believe in Hell without an alternative Heaven?"

"It is the duty of people to oppose you and your kind. And I have taken it upon myself to save the world for evil like you,"

"This is preposterous," Thor said. "We are protectors of the Earth,"

"Lies," the man cried "No more talk. You will pay for your injustice on this planet,"

The woman beside him smiled cruelly. I don't even know the name of my captors... But they definitely want me dead, the only thing that worries me is that they won't kill me quickly.

Back at the tower, the group was practically tripping over each other trying to assess the data being spit out by the intel computers in the room.

So far they had determined that an unauthorized vehicle had come into the building exactly 23 minutes before the time of the attack on the security camera footage. And it left exactly 16 minutes after.

"This is it," Tony shouted. "Natasha open the license plate tracking program, we have a picture with the plates in if,"

"Give me the numbers," she said, the whole room continued to bustle about in searching for any other useful information. That is of course, except for Pietro who was outside on the phone with Jane.


"Yes. Ve.. Ve are doing everything ve can to find them,"he said. Pietro was having a very difficult time keeping his emotions in check. Staying calm was important right now, and that is a very difficult feat to accomplish.

"I... I have to get home. I can't just stay here," she said.

"Jane listen to me. There is nothing you can do here. And it is probably safer if you just stay there,"

"No. No no no, I have to get back,"

"Jane, please calm down. I understand the panic you are feeling. Dear god trust me I know. Daphany is gone too, I am so vorried about her. But ve have to vait. Vhen ve find vhere they have taken them ve vill find them and bring them home,"

Jane was crying on the other side. "When you go to save them... Please call me. I want to be there when he comes back,"

"I promise I vill. I have to go now, but I promise Jane," he hung up the phone. His hands shaking he sat down against the wall and ran his hands through his hair. Those Separatist scum bags would pay for this. That much was certain.

He went back into the room, and told the group. They were all buzzing about processing new data in trying to track the van.

As angry and upset Pietro was, he couldn't bring himself to actually be angry or upset. He just felt empty and alon.

Wanda came and sat next to him. She placed her head on her brothers shoulder, and let out a sad sigh.

"Ve vill find her Pietro," she whispered.

"Vhen you vent on that mission, I vas so vorried. This is different. This is more than vorry, I am afraid. I am lost vithout her,"

"I know. But ve vill get them back. она очень влюблена в тебя,"

She is very much in love with you.

"If they hurt her, they vill have hell to pay,"

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