A Warm Welcome Home and Confessions

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Although we decided to tell the whole group when they got back, they didn't return for another two full weeks.

By that time Tony had fully discovered our secret, and was caught somewhere in between teasing us and shock. He was in for a bigger shock when the rest of the group got home.

I was in my room with Pietro snuggled up on the giant bean bag ordered myself for my birthday last year. We were watching some old cartoons but not really paying it any attention. Instead we were comparing our hand sizes. (His are significantly bigger than mine) he says he finds it amusing that I keep my nails decorated. Just as he said that the phone began to ring. I kissed his cheek, then stood up to answer it.

"Hello?" I walked over to the window to look out over the city.

"Hey Daph," came a woman's voice from the other end. A pair of strong arms circles my waste, and the hands rested on my hips. I lean my head back on to his shoulders.

"Hi Nat, are you guys coming home?"

"We have a transport flying us home at dawn tomorrow. But there's gonna be no stops, no bathroom, no food, and close to no space,"

"So I suppose you want me to make sure there's food on the table and the beds turned down before you get home?"

"Would you please?" She sing songed.

"Oh I suppose I could whip up something nice for dinner,"

"And dessert?" She begged.

"Now you're pushing it Romanov. But I do have something in mind, so you will get your dessert Tasha,"

I could feel Pietro smile and give the smallest of laughs into my hair.

"One other thing, Daph,"


"You've only got one more night with your дорогая любовь. (Dearest Love) Use it wisely,"

My eyes widened, I shook my head. Pietro craned his head around my neck to see my face.

"Ugh sure Nat, whatever you say..."

"I'm serious Daphne,"

"I'm sure you are, I'll see you tomorrow Tasha,"

Before she could reply I hung up and put the phone on the window sill.

"Vhat did she say?" He asked. I turn in his arms and lean against the window sill.

"They'll be home for dinner tomorrow," I smiled at him.

"Vhat else did she say?" He pried, knowing full well what she had said.

"Never you mind that," I chided him. He winked at me and gave me a loving kiss. I pulled away,

"Tomorrow you're going to help me make them a wonderful welcome home dinner, yes?"

"Vhatever you say," he laughed kissing my cheek.

The rest of the night carried on as it had before the phone call (much to Natasha's dissatisfaction).

The next morning after a big breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes(*), Pietro and I spent a long time in the kitchen pouring through my recipe books.

"Italian?" I offered looking at recipe for calzones.

"No... Ve vould need to make 11 individual calzones..."


"Zat ees a lot of pots and serving dishes..."

"Oh! I got it! Chile(*)! One pot and super yummy," I exclaimed, putting away the cook book we had been looking at.

"Vhat is Chile?"

"Oh my sweet you are about to experience one of my favorite culinary wonders," I trilled, spinning on the ball of my foot.

He laughed and shook his head, "You are very cute vhen you are excited about something you are passionate about,"

I looked at him, and blushed deeply. He loved to do this to me. Say something overly sweet to make me blush.

"The chile doesn't take long to make, so we should make dessert,"

"Vhat vill ve make?"

"I want to make marble cake(*),"

"Vhat ees marble cake?"

"You are just learning everything today aren't you?"

"America is a strange place. I vill learn something new everyday in zis country until the day I die,"

"Well, today you're gonna learn to make chile and marble cake,"

As usual we had to make more than one cake because so many of us live here. So we made three cakes... Well technically four, we ruined the first one... Pietro dropped it on the floor.

It was around 6 when dinner was simmering on the stove and table set. And 6:15 when the jet touched down on the landing pad.

Before even saying hello the entire arriving group made a break for their rooms. Likely to pee, and change clothes.

While they took care of business Pietro and I started dishing out servings of chile. After the 6th bowl was filled, people began to fill in the kitchen and happy voices of reunion followed.

I took a bowl from Pietro's hands and whispered, "Go, I can handle this,"

He gave a sigh of relief, and wide grin before pecking my cheek and zipping off to hug Wanda.

Dinner went great. Everyone laughing and talking. Bucky was finally acclimated to the group and joined in the conversation. After everyone had eaten at least one helping, I decided to make the announcement. I gave Pietro's hand a light squeeze under the table to let him know.

"So guys, I have something kinda important to share," I started. "Pietro and I, are... Um, together,"

He brought up our intertwined hands to show. Before they could react, Wanda blurted out.

"Vision and I are together too,"

"Steve is still a virgin!" Tony shouted.

Everyone looked at him, "what I thought we were shouting out stuff"

Steve cleared his throat, "no I'm not," he mumbled.

'Note to self' I thought 'find out who double tapped the Captain'

We waited a bit to have dessert, so we started watching an old TV show as a group. Star Gate Atlantis (AN: This show is one of my absolute favorites)

We stopped after two episodes to have our cake.

"Daph, you would not believe how utterly crazy these guys were," Nat said pointing her spoon at me. "We've seen some crazy activists... But this was beyond insane,"

"I'm not one to judge people on religion or anything... But, excuse the phrase, by god. These people were hard core," Steve added.

"But they're gone for good right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we wiped em out. You're safe to 'angel' as much as you want," Clint joked.

I wish that he was right... Because I would soon find out, they weren't as "gone" as we would have hoped.

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