Tomorrow Morning Isn't Nearly As Much Fun

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The next morning I woke up a little light headed but not hung over, unlike the rest of my fellow Avengers. They weren't awake yet but they were all groaning and looking pained. I was still cuddled up with Natasha and Pietro.

Everyone (except Vision and Natasha) was regretting ever drinking. I went to the kitchen to get water and banana smoothies(*) ready. (Living on the same floor as Tony Stark teaches you some stuff about curing hang overs)

By the time I've got all the drinks made and aspirins ready the moans and groans of waking up after a night of partying are beginning.

Natasha is just getting up off the couch when I come in with a glass of water for her. She accepts it, while I say.

"I think we should move them to their rooms. All of them in one spot is no good,"

"That's going to be a challenge but I think you're right," she finished her water "Let's get the big guys first,"

I groaned at the thought but knew it had to be done.

"I'll take Thor," she offered.

"You are a saint," I said over my shoulder as I tried to shake Bruce into consciousness.

"Come on Bruce, gotta get you into bed..."

"Ugh... Daphne be quiet..." He grumbled. I got his arm around my shoulder as hoisted him up from the ground. He winced as if in pain.

"Come on now," I whispered "Help me out here,"

I finally got him to his room and instructed FRIDAY to alert me if something was wrong.

Natasha had just gotten Thor into his room, and I decided to tackle trying to get Tony into his room. Vision was carrying Wanda off to her room when I got back. Natasha took Clint, called Laura to let her know that Clint was going to take another day. And I took Pietro.

He was more alert by the time I drug him to his room.

"Here drink this, it'll make you feel better," said trying to get him to drink some water.

He took a sip but waved the rest away, I set it on his bed side table. He flopped onto the bed. I laughed a little, then moved his legs onto the bed.

I brushed his silvery blonde hair away from his eyes. I thought about his kisses last night, I wonder if he meant them?

Despite my feelings, I resist the urge to kiss his forehead. The last thing I want is drama. Instead I suffice by whispering, "I come back in a little while,"

He made a grumbling noise of acknowledgment. I left the room to see to make sure all the others were doing alright.

After making the rounds, Natasha, Vision and I hung out in the kitchen. I decided to make one of my favorite dishes for dinner. I had been waiting all week to make it, but it would take all day to cook. I was going to make Portuguese sopa de feijão(*). Which means, Soup of beans.

Nat helped me chop carrots, potatoes, turnips, and cabbage. Vision helped drain the beans and purée them.

As I took the salt brined pork out of the refrigerator a thought came to me.

"Vision?" I asked into the room.

"Miss Daphne," he responded evenly.

"Yesterday... Did you feel the effects of the alcohol?" I asked him directly, I saw Natasha's ears perk up in curiosity.

"No, I am an android. Alcohol has no effect on me"

"Oh," I was all I could think of to say.... But Natasha voices my next thought.

"If you weren't drunk then you were making out with Wanda completely sober?"

"That is correct,"

We looked at him with wide eyes. He looked back and added.

"There was consent, pre-alcohol," I nodded but looked away.

"Okay, I'm gonna go check on everyone," I said leaving the kitchen.

Tony began throwing up right when I walked in... Cleaned that. Thor was sleeping everything off. Clint was coming around, so he was sitting up and looking at his phone. Bruce was pretty much sober and just taking some quiet time. Wanda was not doing so hot, she was lookin' pretty pukey... Pietro wasn't doing well either...

Before I left Pietro's room he called out to me, "Daphany,"

I smiled gently and went back to where he was lying face down on the bed. "Do you need something?"

He tried to roll over to look at me, I reached out to help him. He props himself up on one arm.

"Daphany," I got down on my knees to be at eye level with him.


"Are you mad at me?" He asked.

"What?" I laughed "Why would I be mad at you?"

"I keesed you last night... That vas you right?"

I smiled and remember the million little kisses. "Why would that make me mad," I whispered. He met my eyes.

"You're not mad?"

"No, but I'm mad at Tony for throwing up on the carpet," he smiled at me. "Now you need to get some more sleep. Okay?"

"MKay?" He laid back down on his stomach. I fixed the mistake I made that morning. I brushed back his hair, and pressed a kiss to him forehead. I swear to god I saw his sleepy smile.

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