Knock knock. Who's Th- FUCK YOU!

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About now I'm beginning to regret my "no regrets" thing earlier... Because holy shit I honestly don't know how much more of this I can take... And judging by the muffled man screams I can hear somewhere off in another area, I can tell Thor isn't doing so hot either.

As I am read out each sin for which I am paying for, I think of each wretched thing I have done in my life.

"You receive another abdomen laceration for taking the life of, one Alexander Peters," the informant reads out. Before the man with the knife can make another cut I spit out.

"He deserved it,"

"You shall receive two extra lacerations. One for speaking and one for seducing said individual,"

"I told you before I did not seduce him. He ra-" before I can finish the lackey with the knife makes four deep cuts diagonally on my stomach. I cry out in pain as it crisscrosses other cuts already leaking blood. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

Every few sins I pay I get a electric shock, that practically fries my brains. I know that I will die, there's no way I will walk out of this. I'm already covered in dark purple bruises... Before they read out my lesser crimes and I got punched by a muscly man who did not hold back. So now I'm busied, bleeding, and exhausted. They won't let us sleep...

Still this is not the way I wanted to die. I wanted to die saving people, righting my wrongs by doing good. Not being told how much of a screw up I was, and being bled dry for it.

Then I have an idea... It's risky. It's gonna hurt. And I might die in the process. But I don't see any other way.

Thor told me not to do it in the truck, because I might hurt myself but I'm already hurt now... I might as well try.


"Captain, what's our plan?" Natasha asks as she gets the plane properly parked.

"Well, for starters we aren't going quietly this time. Everyone's on the ground, I say we kick there door in and give em hell. Get someone in the control room, find our guys and get the hell out. This is first and foremost a rescue mission, but you have the kill order on any OpFor you encounter,"

"Sounds good to me. I think I need to let off a lil steam anyway," Tony said. "What do you think Bruce,"

"I'm sorry Cap, even if you aren't calling for a code green today. I'm giving you one. Those walls look pretty thick. I think id like to knock them down," he said looking up from his tablet.

"That privilege is all yours Banner,"

"Everyone prepare to move out in in 2 minutes. It's a 30 minute hike to get there. And then we split and take it from all sides,"

The team moved out and made the trek out to the base. When they moved into visual contact with it, they split into four groups and switched to com links.

When everyone was in position Steve whispered over the coms. "I want the east to make their move first. Then the west. Then north. Then south. South last because that is the front door,"

Clint smirked happily. He was on the south side. And his team consisted of him, Banner and Pietro. This was gonna be great!

Clint watched the east group go first. The wall blew up. Wanda and Nat were on that side. Hehehehe.

The West blew. Tony, and Bucky.

The North. Steve and Vision.

"Bruce, please... Smash some shit," came Tony's voice over the coms. A mighty roar erupted from behind Clint as Bruce ceased to exist, and became the Hulk. He, Pietro and Clint barreled forward to break down the wall.


I began to reach out in my mind. Desperately trying to harness my Grace. My angel powers. I could feel in my mind the tendrils of light matter at the edge of my grasp. This ability repressing collar was making it exceptionally difficult. But it's also not calibrated to contain this. I've never actually used it, so there's no record of it.

As I can feel myself take hold of the grace, another electrocution is shot down my spine intending to force me to drop the Grace. But it has the opposite effect. Instead I clamped down on it in my mind and despite being electrocuted... Pulled the grace closer and closer to myself in my mind.

I could feel the raw energy in my body, although there is almost no real "body" to feel it left.

The power pooled and gathered and built up... My torturers did not plan for this contingency and are now afraid. I can see it in their eyes. The shoot more electricity through me but it only fans the fire.


The seemingly impenetrable wall came crumbling down.

"Knock knock," Clint whispered with a smirk.

"Who is there?" Pietro smirked, looking at Clint was the Hulk began viscously smashing everything.

Clint pulled an arrow and shot a man, who was about to grab him from the side, point blank in the face.

The man fell over and Clint smiled, "Fuck you,"

Pietro shook his head a sped forward to find the control room. He opened lots of doors to empty rooms. Everyone was trying to fight the Avengers.

"Control room. Control room," he said to himself. "Ah ha!"

Pietro came into the control room,

"Does anyvon copy? I have the control room, but I don't know how to use any of these things,"

"I'm on my way," Natasha said over the coms. In less than a minute she was in the door and typing away on keypads.

"Some one get to room 1306. Thor is there. 2 OpFor in the room... And guys, it's not a pretty picture," Nat said over coms.

"Daphany?" Pietro prompted.

"Room 1307 big guy, go get her,"


The two lackey's scrambled to contain me. But I was beyond containment. Blue light covered my eyes and came out of my open mouth.

The room grew could and dark as I drew in every drop of power I had. I couldn't hold this for long it had to be now or never.


Pietro stopped short. He could see through what looked like a window. He could see Daphne. She was glowing, she was harnessing her Grace.

"Guys. Daphany ees harnessing her angel Grace. She's going to blow the OpFor up," he shouted over coms.

"Can you stop her," Steve asked

"She's too far. She's going to blow,"

"Will she survive it?"

"I don't know. Call the medical team. Ve might need them. Tell them to be ready. The minute she pops I'm going in to get her,"



As the energy peaked, I released all of it with a loud scream. The energy ripped through the room and shattered the glass of the two way mirror. The collar that contained me was blown apart and the chains snapped dropping me on the floor.


The glass in front of him shattered, and he hit the deck. When all went quiet he did not even look to see if the OpFor were still standing. He jumped through the window and sped to take Daphne into his arms.


Before I blacked out with fatigue, I saw a face. A mans face. Blue eyes, with dark bags underneath. Soft fluffy white hair. Cute boyish stubble. My mans face. His beautiful face. And then I'm out.

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