It's Not All Fun and Games

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I remember being new on the Avengers team, the first few training days being extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable. Thank God for Natasha who warmed up to me first and extended the first real hand of friendship. I plan to be the new hand of friendship so to speak. I've been the newbie, it's no fun!
Today is our first training day with the new team.

Tony and Bruce are off sciencing in one of their labs, which in hindsight is probably not a good idea given the past couple weeks. Thor was also not present because, he received an angry phone call from Jane yesterday evening... something along the lines of saving the world again and not telling her. Clint's taking some time off now that his wife just had the new baby. (Named after me and Nat!!!! Nathan Daniel Barton) So it's just me, Steve, Nat, Pietro, Wanda, and Vision.

Steve leads training as usual, he has each older member pair off with a new recruit to teach a certain skill or move. I'm really glad that Tony had this new training gym built for us because with all the raw power in the room our old gym might have crumbled around us!

I am teaching reflex marksmanship, which is fancy talk for shooting things moving at you or at someone else. Nat is doing hand to hand combat. And Steve is doing specialty training.

The order starts out with me training Vision,

"Ready?" I ask him.

"Indeed I am,"

"Great," I smile. And with that I step back and shift myself into a cat, I watch him for just a moment. He looks slightly confused, but also like he's calculating what I could possibly be doing. Just before he opens his mouth to speak, I jump at him shifting in the air. He looks shocked in the moment before I slam him, he stumbles backwards a bit. I stand tall and look him in the eye, which makes my head swim a little.

"Lesson One, don't be afraid to hit back no matter who swings first," he nodded with an approving expression.

"The rest of your training with me, will not actually be hitting me. You can do that with Natasha. But, I'm going to run this simulation once. I want you to watch then take a turn on your own," I said indicating a glass paneled section of the training gym.

I decided to set the simulator to one of the highest setting for my demonstration,

"JARVIS... I mean... Friday," I say into the voice piece. I keep forgetting there is no more JARVIS.

"Miss Larkspur," Friday prompts.

"Set Reflex Shooting Training Chamber 3 to level 18 please,"

"One moment, Miss Larkspur" Friday responded coolly. I actually kinda like Friday, she's not half bad. "The simulator will give you a count down on your mark when you are in starting position,"

"Excellent, open one way viewing panel please,"
Vision watched intently as I practiced in the simulator.

His fighting style is undoubtedly different from mine given that I use throwing knives, hand guns and animal shifting instead of a gem on my forehead. But I think he got the message, because when I left him practice he actually did very well. Granted I lowered the setting to a 7, but he still did admirably for a first training session. He went through the simulation twice more before Steve called for a water break and rotation.

Vision did not need water being an android, but did seem to be somewhat relieved at having a rest bit. The next rotation brought me Wanda, I tried to be the hand of friendship that I received from Natasha all those years ago. And I think it worked, because we actually got along really well. I really like her. I felt our training session was almost too short, so I invited her to hang out with me later on that evening.

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