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Normally I like being right. But I wish, just this one time, that I had been wrong.

These people had absolutely no intention of letting me die quickly. They want me, an Thor, to pay in blood for every sin we've committed on this Earth.

They know who I am. They have my name. My file. They have everything. I might wonder how they got this information, but at the moment... I'm a little busy.

Hanging by my wrists, a Separatist lackey is reading off my list of accusations.

"You Daphne AnneMarie Larkspur are guilty of no less than 8 charges of murder in the first degree. You are guilty of stealing, lying, manipulating, and seducing-"

"HEY!" I screamed "I am not guilty of seducing anyone, ya lil shit. Anyone turned on by this," I wriggled my whole body in my chains "is just a misogynist pig that can't keep his dick down," I defended myself .

"Silence," the lackey growled cranking up the voltage and shocking the day light out of me.

"You are guilty, and will face your sentence with no more outbursts,"

I am afraid. I don't want to die, or be tortured. But I also know that I can't physically defend myself, and there's not a very high chance for rescue. So I accept it. I am going to die.

I have done some bad things, and I will own up to it. I'm half human, I'm flawed. But by god, if I'm gonna pay for it, I wanna deserve it.

"Eat shit! AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" I received another dose of electricity.

"Daphne," Thor croaked, him in a similar uncomfortable position "Stop this, you are only hurting yourself more,"

I gave Thor a wry grin, "If I die, I don't want to have any regrets,"

The man continued reading off my sentence, but I didn't pay it any attention. These people could do whatever they wanted to me, there was nothing I could do and my soul is prepared either way.

"Do you have any regrets, Daphne?" Thor asked.

"Only that I didn't get to kiss Pietro goodbye. I didn't tell him I loved him enough," I said. I had accepted my fate, but I would miss Pietro. My dear sweet Pietro. Who I could always count on to make me smile, and keep me warm. Who I could trust to respect my body and it's boundaries. Who I loved with all my heart.

"You make it sound as if we have already died,"

"We can't use our powers. The gang has no idea where we are. And we basically about to be tortured to death. I... I just don't like to lie to myself,"

It hurts to say now that I'm not spitting fire at the lackey.

"I suppose you are right. I too wish I could have had one more day with my love. Jane does not even know where we are are most likely," he replied somewhat sadly.

"Well if Jane did know where we were, Bruce would be shaming in these wall as we speak,"

"Perhaps they will find us, before we have lost too many limbs," he joked

"Haha very funny, man," I indulged in a laugh. "As awesome as that would be. I don't think they'll make in time... Not with my list of penalties I'm paying,"

"There is always hope, Daphne. I thought you of all people would think that,"

"Old habits die hard, I guess"

The lackey finally finished reading off my list of dues to pay. "Do you claim responsibility for these actions?"

"Fuck you," I spat

And with a glare, he began to rattle off Thor's equally long list of sins.

"I don't care what these Fuckboi's say, I think we've done a pretty good job here on Earth," I say to him.

"I agree. We will face judgment knowing we have brought great honor on our families, and friends,"

The chains began to lower us down the ground. I dreaded the pain that would surely be coming soon, but I took a deep breath a put a smile on my face and sent a prayer in my mind.

If you can hear me right now, I'm about to go through something real bad. I don't expect you interfere or anything, but I have two favors to ask you.
One, talk to The Big Man. God. Your father. Ask him about possibly allowing me to stay in heaven. I know being a Nephilim is not a popular thing up with your crowd but I really don't want to go hell.
And two, if at all possible... Visit my friends. Even if I don't get to go to heaven, tell them I am okay. And that I am in heaven being well cared for. And I know you've never met him, but my boyfriend Pietro. Tell him I love him with all my heart.
Thanks Dad, I love you so much. I'll see you in person soon I guess.

"We have a location!" Natasha shouted. By this time, Pietro and Wanda had fallen asleep on the floor in the back of the room.

Bruce was getting aggravated from being exhausted and left to get some sleep. Clint was awake but he collapsed an hour ago and no one moved him.

But Steve, Bucky, Nat, Tony, and Vision were still perfectly awake. Vision does not sleep.

Nat was hells bound and determined to find her best friend.

Tony felt personally responsible that an OpFor (Military term for Opposition Force)had not only gotten on the premisses, but had messed with his shit and kidnapped his friends and walked away unscathed. He would not stand for it.

Steve being the leader would not let this go unsupervised, and he had to make sure that if information was found he could organize a rescue mission ASAP.

And Bucky, he couldn't sleep knowing the enemy had made it so close to them. And he refused to leave Steve to stay awake all night.

"Where?" Steve demanded.

"Wake the twins..." Natasha said gravely "We're going back to Sokovia,"

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