Breakfast Plans

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Something interesting happened today, Steve was not in the tower.

Wanda, Pietro, and Vision have been living and working with us for a month now and have gotten the swing of things. Even they thought it peculiar when Steve was not present at breakfast this morning. But he did leave a note on the kitchen fridge.

Dear Friends,

I have gotten a credible lead on a personal case I've been working on the side. It is crucial that I see to this before the opportunity slips away from me. It may be a few days before I get back, in the mean time...
1) Tony isn't allowed to throw any parties at the tower.
2) Thor, may not go off in search of anymore powerful space relics.
3) Everyone better be alive and well by the time I get back. And I mean everyone.

Make good use of your time, and don't do anything stupid. I will see you in a few days.


Natasha spoke up, "He only said for is to make good use of our time... I purpose we do a team bonding day,"

"By team bonding do you mean doing something crazy?" asked Bruce "Because if that's the case, absolutely not,"

"No no Bruce. I think Nat is right, we should go pick up Clint and do something fun as a group," I said to him. I smiled brightly.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to go out in public, Daph..." He said.

"Ve could do thees bonding day here at home..." Wanda suggested, placing her cereal bowl in the sink.

"I have an idea," Tony said with a devilish grin.

"No!" Everyone cried.

"What?! I haven't said anything yet!" He complained.

"Your ideas always get us into trouble. And not just with Mama America," I accused. "Do you remember when you convinced Thor and I to drag race with you... In the air?"

"Okay, so we got in trouble with the NYPD..."

"And Mr. Fury,"

"And Nick. But-"

"But nothing. We got into serious trouble! And had to pay damages!" I pointed my spoon at him in a faux threatening way.

"Well I paid damages, you apologized for collateral damage..."

"Daphne is right," Thor said in agreement.

"So we stay in tonight," Natasha announced. "We aren't training, but we are being productive,"

"I like that plan better," Bruce commented.

"Good. Just us, junk food, movies, beer, party games. Yes?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Tony and Thor you pick movies. Daph and Pietro get snacks. Vision and Bruce get lots of alcohol and set up for the party. Me and Wanda will go pick up Clint,"

Wanda and Natasha grinned slyly at me.

"I'm in agreement, anything to do what Steve told us not to do," Tony said.

"Good, party starts at 5. Go!"

~~Time Skip to after breakfast~~

I got dressed to go out into the city, we decided not to order the snacks so that Steve couldn't see the bill sent to the Tower.

I wore black leggings, a purple dress and ankle boots. I decided I wanted my hair to look pretty, so I made it a little longer so I could put it up in a fairy bun. I really liked how it turned out with the lavender coloring in it.

There was a light knock at my door, I opened it to find Pietro. Wearing black jeans and a blue sweatshirt, and a black beanie. It's not a good thing to get recognized in public, especially in a very populated place like a grocery store.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes, hold just a minute I need to get my wallet. We're only paying cash right?"

"Yes," he smiled.

"Step in for a second, let me get my purse," I opened the door wider for him, and he stepped inside.

I left him standing at the door looking around my room, remaining quite still for such a speedster.

"Have you lived here long?" He asked me.

"I moved in to the tower 3 years ago, but I've been... Under SHIELD's watchful eye for many many years,"

"Vhat does that even mean?" He asked

"Well, my father is an angel and my mother is a human. I'm what you would call a Nephilim,"

"You are an angel?" He asked in shock, mouth dropping open.

"Only half angel. But being even a half angel is extremely illegal in the angel community. I don't get to see my dad very often, and it would be a disaster if any satanist or extreme catholic discovered me," I replied as we left my room, making our way out to the common area to catch the elevator.

"Vhy? Vhat is so bad about being a Nef-Li-Vhatever?"

"Well ugh, the satanists want to sacrifice me. And the Catholics want me burned because I'm a product of impurity,"

He thought for a moment. "That ees stupid," he said. I actually laughed really hard when he said that. I don't even know why. It was one of those moments where the line is delivered perfectly, and with just the right facial expression.

"Can I ask you something?" He prompted.


"Vhy does Natasha and Wanda alvays pair us together then laugh?" I was taken aback slightly when he asked me this. But I would be truthful. I don't like to lie.

"You want the short answer or the long one?"

"Em... The short one?"

"Both of them are crazy people,"

He laughed at my joke, "okay then, the long answer,"

We stepped out of the elevator and existed the building.

"Well I'll be honest with you hear, they want us to date,"

He made an "oh" sound that seemed like a question, a curious statement, and maybe some relief.

"I vas vorried that you didn't like me, and they vere being mean to you,"

"No, not at all. Although they are being mean trying to force me to date someone I don't really know a lot about," I tried to say this in a way that wouldn't offend him, but would entice him to let me get to know him.

"Vell, ve could change the part vhere ve don't know anything about each other. Then maybe look into the dating?"


"I'd like that,"

He smiled broadly as we continued down the street. "Vhat ees your favorite color?"

I laughed, "That's your leading, 'get to know you' question?"

"Yes," he said with surety.

"Well, I'm partial to cool colors like blues and purples. What about you?"

"Blue. Blue is a nice color,"

"Like just a certain shade of blue? Or just blue in general?"

"All shades. Everyone looks good in blue," I giggles slightly then said.

"Well that is one positive thing about you,"

"That I like blue?"

"That you make me laugh,"

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