See You Later, Not Goodbye

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The others who were assigned to go on the mission returned to our floor to collect their things and say quick goodbyes... Well not goodbyes, See you laters.

Wanda was the first one out of the elevator, Pietro zoomed up to her to scoop her into a hug. They shared a few words, while I got in a hug from Natasha. I lightly pecked her cheek and whispered

"удачи гусь пришел домой в целости"

Good luck Goose! Come home safe.

"Я всегда делаю небольшой утенок. иметь хорошее время с вашим Казанова"

I always do little duckling. Have a good time with your casanova.

I pulled away from her,

"Откуда ты знаешь?"

How did you know!?

"Вы только что сказали мне немного утенок . Но не волнуйтесь, я не скажу"

You just told me little duckling. But don't worry I won't tell.

"черт возьми Наташа"

Damn you Natasha

She gave me a shit eating grin, clearly pleased that she figured it out. But gave me one more hug.

I hugged Clint and told him I would go out to visit Laura while he was away.

Steve gave me a hug and told me to make sure Tony didn't convince Bruce to do any stupid shit.

Bucky doesn't hug, but I took his hands and have them a comforting squeeze.

Vision and I are not very close, but he did shake my hand and I wished him the best of luck. He promised me that he would make sure Wanda returned safely. For that I was grateful.

Then came Wanda, sweet kind Wanda. She threw her arms around me. We had grown very close in the few months that her and Pietro had lived here.

"You'll do great," I whispered.

"Thank you,"

"And Vision will be with you. He'll never let anything happen to you,"

She smiled and hugged me again.

"Time to go," Cap said. She kissed my cheek and went to join the small departing group. And with that, the group left, leaving the five of us on our own.

The minute they were gone Tony spoke up, "I have an idea!"

"No!" Everyone shouted, before walking off in different directions.

"Aw come on!" I heard him protest as Pietro and I walked away from the main living room. We had planned to spend some time in the media room after the group had left, watching movies and just hanging out.

Which is what we did, with little kisses here and there. But we landed up hanging off of the chairs upside down, playing 20 questions.

"Vhat is your favorite animal?" He asked.

I grinned at him before transforming myself into a little bunny. I wiggled my tiny bunny nose at him. Then changed back.

He looked slightly shocked for only a moment, "I forgot you could become animals too!" He laughed.

"I don't really practice very often, not even in training. It's a little strange to others, so I focus more on my appearance changing and angel mojo,"

"Sounds fair," he agreed. "Although you make a very cute bunny,"

"Aw thank you!" I tapped his nose with my finger.

"What is your favorite weather?" I asked him.

"It used to snow a lot in Sokovia, I remember it fondly from when I was a child,"

"It snows here in New York, but in the big city it just makes a big mess. But when I'm away from the city and it snows, it is quite nice," I agree.

"How many brothers and sisters do you have?" He asked, I thought for a moment on how to answer.

"Well, my father's name was Gabriel. And my mother was Kirsty Larkspur. They were not supposed to be together, because as you know, he was an angel. One of the Arch Angels actually. My mother gave up her life to insure that I would have one. In return the angels would leave me alone. My father has visited me in secret a few times, he's told me that he loves me and is very proud of me in what I've made of my life. But I have no siblings,"

Pietro said nothing for a long moment. "Does it anger you that neither of your parents took any care of you," he asked as gently as possible.

"When I was young, yes. I hated my dad and my mom for making this mistake. I was weird. I was different. My hair never stayed the same color, sometimes I was another animal. I made strange magic that only worked sometimes. Nothing made sense. But as I grew up, my father visited me a few times I began to understand that my mom gave me an opportunity to do something with my life. And my father wasn't actually abandoning me, just being kept away from me,"

"Who is keeping him away?"

"The other Arch Angels mostly. They think that I am dangerous and should have been disposed of when I was a child,"

"That's awful, I thought angels just played harps and sat on puffy clouds,"

I laughed heartily, "no, not really. The only reason they haven't killed me is because I work with SHIELD to protect people,"

"Hmm, vell then. I guess SHIELD really is home to you,"

"It is. It's brought me so many opportunities and given me so many friends. And you,"

I turned to look at him. His eyes trained on me.

"You have such a light in your eyes. All the time. Seeing good in people. Being kind. I do not know if it's because you're part angel or not, but it makes you special Daphany," I blush at his sweet words, and now this is going to be a good few days.

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