But wait... There's more...

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Good news my loves.... There is a sequel in the making. Are you ready for more of Daphne and Pietro?

Let's start with this:

"Ze base ees destroyed! Vhat are ve going to do Ed? Start over?" Yvonne screamed once again standing the rubble of another ruined base.

"No. We are too old to start over. But we can get our revenge my pet,"

"Vhat more can ve do to her? Ve killed her, and she come back!"

"Wait a few years. She's too damaged to be a real fighter anymore Yvonne. So she will move forward in life. Get married. Have.... Children?"

Yvonne stopped short on her tantrum. She turned slowly to face Edmond.

"Her children... How wonderful,"

Their eyes met and they knew this was their new life goal.

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