Chapter 1

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A/N: a lot of you guys are saying this is Scarakazu... it's not- 

Well it was sUpPoSeD to be but during writing this I discovered Kazuscara--

~Kazuhas pov~

Wow, this house looks beautiful...  I thought as I stepped into my new home. It wasn't a big house but wasn't a small one either. Something between that. 

I put Lily's box down and opened the door so she could explore our new home. My white cat stretched, meowed and looked at me.
"Hungry? I'll get you food later, we have to bring our stuff in first."

I went back outside to help my moms, Beidou and Ningguang.

I didn't have much , so it didn't take me very long to get my stuff inside my new bedroom. 

After I was done I took out Lilys foodbowl and gave her something to eat. 

A new message appeared on my phone and I saw a message from my childhood bestfriend, Heizou. 


Fav Detective 🔍

Heyyy, how are you? Have you guys moved in yet?

I'm fine and we just moved to our new place. How are you? 

I'm good! Wanna meet up?



Uhhh sure, but I have ask my parents 

Okay. Would you give me your address so I can pick you up?

*gives some random adress* 

Thanks, see you! Think I'll be there in 20 min



I closed my phone and smiled a bit. Heizou was my childhood best friend, but he had to move away. It was such a good coincidence, that I moved to where he lives. At least I would have a friend when I go to school . I got up to see what my family was up to and went downstairs. Beidou and Ningguang were still unpacking things so i decided to join. 

20 minutes went by and we heard someone ring the doorbell and I immediately got up to greet Heizou.

"Heizou!! It's been so long." I said, giving him a hug.
"Hehe calm down Kazuha, you'll see me at school for the whole next year anyway." Heizou responded laughing. 
"Kaz, who is that?" I saw my parents coming towards them.

"Oh uh this is Heizou, remember?" Oh no I forgot to ask them, if I could hang out with Heizou...

"I forgot to ask, but can I hang out with Heizou? I promise, I'll be home before it gets dark."
Beidou and Ningguang looked at eachother. Then Beidou turned to me. "Okay sure, but don't go to far."
"Yay, thank you!" I gave both of them a hug.

"What do you wanna do?" Heizou asked after we left.
"Tell me more about my new school, how is it there?"
"It's fine, i guess? There really is noone who could bully you, if thats your afraid of. Just ... maybe stay away from two dudes called Scaramouche and Xiao. Xiao is actually pretty okay as long as you don't annoy him, but I don't know about Scaramouche. "Heizou had a worried face, but shook it of quickly.
"Ohh, okay...Anyways, I'm kinda excited. School starts in about a week, right?"
"Oh please, don't remind me..."
"Haha, sorry."

We spend the rest of the day catching up on things until it was time for me to go back and Heizou brought him back to his house. 

"See you in school then, Kazuha. It was nice talking to you again."
"Bye Heizou! Thanks for today, I had lots of fun."

I greeted my parents, who were cooking dinner together, and got up to my room again.
This year is going to be great!  I thought and hugged Lily. 

~Scaramouches Pov~

(about the same time when Heizou visited Kazuha) 

"Childe PLEASE! Your gonna see Zhongli in a few days, calm tf down." 
"What do you mean 'calm down'?! I'll see him again in a few days, yea. What should I do? How should I act? How- Ouh! What was that for?!"Childe stopped talking after I gave him a slap on his face.
"Oh God, stop acting like this. How about you first start talking to him? You're just staring at him like an idiot . You guys don't even talk to eachother."
Childe sighed and sat down covering his face. 

I felt a little bad, but it was true. Childe just couldn't stop talking about Zhongli. 

"Listen Childe, I don't think I can help you with him, but cmon dude. Cheer up, at least he doesn't hate you."

Childe gave him a 'are-you-serious' look and went back to covering his face.

"What? I don't know anything about love, don't judge me!" 
"I'm not.. and it's fine really. Maybe you're right and I should start talking with him...BUT WHAT IF HE DOESN'T LIKE ME-"
"OKAY, calm down.."
"Says you."
"Hmpf, just wait until you fall in love and freak out about it. "
"Ugh whatever."
Childe laughed, but Scaramouche sat there thinking. I've never had a crush on anyone.. is something wrong with me...
"Dude, are you okay?"
Scaramouches snaps back to reality.
"Mhm? Yea I'm fine. Can we talk about something else?"
"Mhmm changing the topic, I see... Are you hiding something~" Childe said with a smirk on his face.
"Whatever you say~"
"You're so annyoing."

There was a moment where both of them where just sitting there in silence, until Childe broke the silence.

"What do you think school's gonna be like?"
"Boring as always? "
"Oh really? I heard a new guy should be transferring into our grade this year."
"Do I look like I care?"
"Why so mean?"
"Well, everthing is so easy and it's just a waste of time."
"Says you, who has good grades like always." Childe said with an eyeroll. "Can't you teach me some things 🥲?" 
"No, you gotta figure out yourself."
"Wow, such a helpful brother." 
"Hmpf whatever, I'm hungry. I'll go downstairs for some food."


words: 904

I hope this is okay for now :,)

Ik wasn't really Kazuscara, but thought i'd be a okay start?

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