Chapter 8

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~Scaramouches pov~

It felt like hours since I went to bed and rolled around trying to sleep. I constantly thought of how warm Kazuhas huggs were and how cute his face was. The more I thought about it, the more I regretted not staying with Kazuha. 

I got up and reached for my phone to see what time it is. Almost 3 am... I groaned and covered my face with my pillow. After about 5 more minutes I got up to go to the bathroom. As I was slowly walking back to my room I saw Childe's door open and a sleepy figure stepped out.

"Comrade? What are you doing so early..?" 
"Uhm... nothing.." 
Childe looked at me with his sleepy eyes. Even tho his eyes were about to close any second he seems to know I was lying and went inside my room pulling me behind him. 

"Now, tell me what's wrong." He said and sat down on my coach. 
"I- I told you it's nothing." 
"It's Kazuha?" 
"How.. How did you know??"
"I dunno, guessed? So what's wrong with Kazuha?" 
"I mean, there's nothing wrong with him. It's just ... ughhhh everything is so complicated!" I whined and covered my face with my hands. Childe just chuckeled. 

"Let me guess. You think he's pretty, you feel butterflies whenever you talk or touch him and you constantly about think him." 
It took me a while before slowly nodding. 
"You do realize you love him right?" Childe ask. 
"I- I t-think so?" 
"Well, would you want him to be your boyfriend?" 
I felt a heatwave go through my body after Childe said that. 
"I don't know... and besides, he probbably doesn't like me and uhm.." 
"And?" Childe asked and raised an eyesbrow.
"I- I don't know I just don't think I have a chance with him."
"Why is that?" 
"First: I don't even know his sexuality. Second:... I don't know if he read it, but I said something about us never becoming a couple in a groupchat-"
"You WHAT?" 
I sighed and handed him my phone showing the textmessage. 

6reeze + Lumi and Ayaya

Kazuha: Why do you always make photos of me and Scara

Venti: cause you guys are so cute together!

Lumine: YES

We are not a couple and probbably will never be 


Childe handed me my phone back and starred at me for a while. He didn't say anthing and I felt my anxiety growing.
"Uhm.. are you alrigh-"
"I really hope you know that you are an Idiot. You might have ruined any chances of getting into a relationship with him!" 
"I- I paniced!" I tried to defend myself. 
"Doesn't mean you have to write stuff like that." 

I looked away feeling disappointed. 

"I'm sorry..." I said and laid back into my bed.
"You don't have to apologize to me, you have to apologize to him."
"What do you mean?! Should I just text him: I'm so sry I wrote that to you in the groupchat. I actually love you so much Kazuha and I wanna be your boyfriend??"
Instead of giving me an answer Childe just started laughing.
"What?" I asked looking at him confused.
"Pfff, nothing. But could you please say that again, I need to record that."
I threw my pillow at him.

"Hey >:(" Childe yelled and threw the pillow back at me, but I dodged it and it hit the wall behind me.  
I sighed, got my pillow back and laid down my bed again. 
"Why don't you try to get closer to him. Try talking to him and spend more time with him." Childe suggested.
"I already am!" 
"Well sry, I didn't know. You could ask Venti. He has a lot of love advice and could definitly help you."
I looked at Childe for a second but shook my head. 
"There's no way I'm going to ask him, he's Kazu's friend."
"Even better."
"But what if he tells him-"
"Well, I heard from Zhongli that Venti sometimes can be very chaotic, but he does take things seriously and I think love is a pretty serious thing." 
"Mhm I guess, but I don't know. Venti and I haven't talked to eachother. Seems like your getting along with Zhongli?" 
"Ah- why yes, actually pretty good. A-Anyways it's pretty late we should get some sleep. See you comrade!" Childe said and went out of my room. 

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