Chapter 17

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A/N: I just realized I always wrote "probbably" instead of "probably" but I'm too lazy to change it-

~Kazuhas pov~

(time is when Kazuha ran away )

I didn't stop running until I've reached home and immediatly broke down again after closing the door. Sobbing, I laid down on the floor. Lily heard me and tapped over me. She laid down next to me, rubbing her face against mine. I pulled her into a hug and snuggled my face into her fur.
"What have I done wrong..?" I wispered under my breath. 

I got up after a while and went to the bathroom to clean my face. I starred at myself in the mirror. Tears started to form again and I angrily wiped them away. 
A meow came from the bathroom door and I opened it. Lily stood in front of the door and gave me  a confused look. I sat down, leaning against the wall. Lily came over and laid down on my lap. She meowed again and looked at me. 

"Yo-u still remember S-scara?" I asked and she nodded her little head. "He.. he ch-cheated on me..." It was too painful for me to say that and tears rolled down my face. I opened my eyes when I felt something warm on my face and saw Lily licking away my tears, snuggleing her head into my arms.
"Thank you.." I wispered and gently stroke her fur.

I opened my phone and saw an unopened message from Scaramouche. Hoping it was a apology I opened it just to get more disappointed. 


Hey, I'll be busy with something. Wait for me at the school gate. It won't take too long.


Yea busy cheating! I yelled in my head and quickly wrote him a text back before blocking him. I felt a hot wave go through my body again and took a deep breath. I decided, that I'll stay at Heizous house tonight. We always did that when we were younger. When one of us got into some trouble and needed eachothers comfort we'd have a sleepover together. 

I asked Heizou if he has time today and he answered with a yes.

I quickly ran to my room , grabbed some clothes and stuffed them into a bag. Since my parents weren't home yet I wrote a little note and put it on the living room table.
"Goodbye, Lily. I'm going over to Heizous. We'll see eachother soon." I said and gave her a hug before closing the door.


Heizou opened the door when I arrived and asked me if I'm okay. Seems like he remembered our sleepovers too.

"Can I tell you later? I'm not in the mood right now..." I answered.
"Oh suree. Wanna watch a movie? My parents have a late shift today so they're not home yet. But don't worry I've already asked them if they're okay with you staying and they agreed."
It was relieving to hear, that Heizou was always here for me when I needed it even tho I'd wish to be with Scaramouche right now.

"Alright, what movie do you want to watch?" Heizou asked after I got into the house. 
"I don't really care.."
"Hmmm... okay should I choose one then?" 

I could see Heizous worried face, but he didn't ask what was wrong and searched up a movie instead. He went up to his room and got some blankets as well once he found a movie. 

"Comfortable enough?" Heizou asked after he tugged me into a blanket and gave me a stuffed animal. 
"Mhm, thank you." I said and hugged the stuffed animal.
"Alright, want something to eat?" Heizou asked and I shook my head. 


We finished the movie after about two hours. His parents already came home with some food and we took the food with us to Heizous room.
"So uhm... you want to tell me what happened now."Heizou asked after we finished eating dinner and made me sit down on his bed. I looked away to avoid eyecontact.
"I- I don't want to force you into saying anything, really. But I'm sure you'll fell better after you've said it.  Heizou's statement sounded right so I decided to tell him.

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