Chapter 16

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sry for not uploading :') + I had internet problems-

Tw: forced kiss and uhhh a little hate?

~Kazuhas pov~

I waited for Scaramouche in front of school this morning. I saw him walking with Childe and ran up to him.

"Scara!" I yelled and hugged him. 
"Good morning, Kazu. How are you?" Scaramouche asked. 
"I'm doing great. How are you?" 
"Good, now that I see you." 

I blushed a little at what he said. He took my hand. "Wanna head to class?" 
"A-are you sure you want us to.. hold hands with everyone being there..?" I asked feeling a little nervous. 
"Didn't we have this before? I already said I'm fine with it." Scaramouche answered. "Bye, see you later Childe!" He said and pulled me towards the building. 
"Oh- Hi Childe!" I quickly said and waved at him, just now realizing that I've completly ignored him. 

I walked next to Scaramouche, still holding his hand. 
"They are staring..." I wispered when I saw some students wispering and pointing at us. 
"And what if they do?" Scaramouche asked and stopped walking.
"Well, I don't know. What if they're judging us?"
"For what?"
"Uhm.. being gay?" 
Scaramouche sighed. "Listen. I love you and nothing can change that. I don't care if they judge us. Plus, we are not the first gay couple here."
"Then kiss me."

"W-wait what?" Scaramouche said suprised.
I chuckled, leaned forward and gave him a kiss on his lips. When I pulled back I saw Scaramouche blushing which made me giggle. Then he suddently wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss. 

"Jeez, get a room you two, haha." A familiar voice said behind us. 
"Oh cmon you and Xiao aren't any better!" Another voice said.
"Hey, at least we don't kiss every few seconds."
"You sound like it's a bad thing."

I turned around and saw Venti and Lumine argueing. 
"A-anyways, hello." I said, trying to change the subject.
"Good morning!" Venti said with a smile. 

~Scaramouches pov~

Kazuha continued to talk with Lumine and Venti while I looked around and gave everyone, who was staring at us, a glare. I made eyecontact with a boy who didn't stop staring at us. When he saw me looking at him he wispered something to his friends ears and they all looked at me. I got a weird feeling and tightened my grip on Kazuha's hand. 

"Huh? Is something wrong?" Kazuha suddently asked.
"Mhm, no." I said, gave one last glare to the guy before I turned my head back to Kazuha. 
The bell rang. 
"Well, we should head to class now. See you guys later!" Lumine and Venti said. 
"We should go too." Kazuha said and I silently nodded. "Are you really okay?" 
"Yes, yes I'm fine. Let's go." I replied and hurried inside the school building. 

Kazuha was with me in Chemistry class. It seems like he officially moved his seat next to me, since he sat down next to me instead of Ayaka. Mr. Albedo didn't seem to mind so he stayed there. 

We got work that we should do in a group again so Kazuha and I teamed up with Signora and Dottore. 
We were in a middle of an experiment when Signora suddently spoke up. "So, Scaramouche. Childe told me you have something to tell me."
I looked at her confused. "No? I don't think so."
She looked over to Kazuha, who was carefully pouring some water into a glas, and raised an eyebrow. My face heat up. 
"W-well I mean, yea I g-guess." I stuttered and looked down. 
"Oh yea, that reminds me. I have a photo I made and wanted to show you but Mr. Albedo saw me using my phone. I'll send you later."

~time skip to after school~

I stood at the front gate waiting for Kazuha, who seems to be very late. Everyone has already left. I started to get worried and walked back into the school building again. Just then someone came up to me.

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