Chapter 10

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~Kazuhas pov~

It was almost 7 am when I woke up . Scaramouche and I wanted to meet up at 10 in front of the school, but I thought I might as well go to his house. 

I got ready and fed my cat before I left. 

I knocked on the door and a tall women with long pink hair opened the door. It was Yae. She looked rather suprised to see me.

"Oh? What are you doing here so early, Kazuha?"
"Scaramouche wanted to join me on my trip to Watasumi. Even tho we wanted to meet somewhere else, I thought I ..uh could come over..?" 
"Ahah sure, come in. Kuni should be up in his room." She said and welcomed me in.

I took off my shoes and the jacket I was wearing. Then I saw Childe coming towards me.
"Hello comrade, how are you doing?" 
"I'm good, how are you."
"I'm also good, why are you here."
"I wanted to visit Scara." 
"Aha, wait let me call him down." 
Childe cleared his throat and then yelled:" SCARAMOUCHE YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE."
"We.. are not boyfriends..-" I said to Childe before Scaramouche came downstairs.

"Who are you talking about, Childe? I don't have a- oh, hi Kazu." 
"H-hi Scara."

There was an awkward silence before Childe spoke up.
"Well, comrades. Have fun, I'll go now." He said and went to his room.

"Uhh, you wanna.. go to my room?" Scaramouche asked.
"Sure." I responded and followed him upstairs. 

"When are your parent going to pick us up?" Scaramouche asked.
"They won't. My parents don't have time, since they have to work. That's why I asked you to join me or else I would have to go on my own." and I can spend some time with you.  I added to myself.
"Oh. Uhhh, cool." 
"And they also booked a hotel for us. It's just one night anyways."
"Well, good to know. Do you want to play any games or something?" 
"Sure, what games do you have?" 

We played same games before we had to go. 
Scaramouche said goodbye to his family before we made our way to the train station.

~Scaramouches pov~

I still don't know how to feel about the fact that I will spend my whole weekend with Kazuha - alone. One side of me wanted to move on from him, but the other wanted to stay. 

I looked over to Kazuha. As long as he didn't mind, I don't have to worry as well. 

"Are you okay?" Kazuha suddently asked.
"Ah- Yes I'm fine, why are you asking?"
"You have been staring at me for quite some time now." Kazuha said and giggeled. "Well, our train is over there. Let's hurry up before we're too late." 
He grabbed my wrist and started to dragg me to the train. I felt flustered over the way he hold my hand. 

We found two empty seats and sat down. 
"How long is the ride?" I asked.
"Uhm... 2 hours.." 
"Oh okay." 

There wasn't anything we could talk about, so I took my earbuds out and listened to some music. Kazuha did the same. 

After about an hour into the ride I felt Kazuha's head on my shoulder and froze. He fell asleep on my shoulder... again.
I thought about pushing him away, but couldn't make myself to do it. So I just watched him sleep. I stroked his face a little feeling all flustered as I did so, even tho I knew I shouldn't have those feelings.


"Kazu, we're there." I wispered and moved my shoulder a little. 
"Huh..?" A sleepy Kazuha responded. 
I giggeled. "We're there. Remember? You wanted to visit your friends." 
"OHH right." Kazuha suddently jumped up, grabbed his bag and we got off the train.

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