Chapter 18

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^picture credit to: ray (@pastahands) on Twitter

~Kazuhas pov~

I ran, but Scaramouche soon caught up to me and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me into another classroom.
"Let me go.." I hissed.
"Not before you let me talk with you." He said and walked over to me, pressing me to the wall.
"What do you want." 
"I didn't cheat, okay? He did that to me without me agreeing to it." 
"Why should I believe you when I saw it with my own eye, twice. Heizou, Aether, Xiao and Venti told me the same and when I went to search you I found you making out with the same guy."
Scaramouche sighed. "Kazu, I think you're missunderstanding this. Don't you believe me when I tell you that he did that and not me?" 

I turned my head to the side, not answering his question. A part of wanted to believe him, but the other still didn't trust me. I got pulled out of my thoughts when Scaramouche suddently turned my head over to him and lifted my chin.
"Please..Believe me.." He wispered.

I still didn't answer. Suddently I felt soft lips conntecting with mine and panicly (is that even a word-) pushed Scaramouche away.
"I-I'm sorry. I s-swear I didn't mean to do that!" He stuttered and tried to grab my hand, but I had enough and pushed his hand away. I quickly ran past him, out of the classroom, making sure he couldn't follow me. I went to my locker and grabbed my bag, heading to the secretary office. There I told a woman who was there that I had a headache and wanted to go home. She told me that I could go and excused me for the rest of the day. 

I sobbed all the way back home and went straight to my bed when I reached home, my only comfort being Lily lying next to me.

~Scaramouches pov~

It has been  one week since the last time I saw Kazuha at school. I thought he just avoided me , but when I asked his friends about him they all said that they don't know what happened with Kazuha.

"He doesn't respond to messages or calls." Heizou said. "But don't worry to much. I'm sure he's okay..."
"He doesn't respond to mine either." Venti added.
And I can't even call him. I thought bitterly. I started to get worried when none of his friends knew something about Kazuha. 

When I went home that day I immediatly closed myself in my room and started to cry, looking through all the photos with me and Kazuha. The door suddently bursts open and Childe came in. 
"Comerade! Zhongli asked me out on a- are you okay?" He came over to me and sat down on my bed.
"I'm.. fine." I pressed out of myself. 
"You.. are definetly not okay. What happened?" He asked.
I didn't answer. I saw Childe taking a glance at my phone and seemed to understand. 
"Did.. something happen between you and Kazuha? Come to think of it, I haven't seen you two together this week.."
I broke down into tears again when I started telling him what happened.
"Oh... so you didn't cheat, but he thinks you did?" 
I nodded.
"And you're just telling me this now? Is that why Aether came over on Monday?" 
I nodded again and looked away. "You seemed so happy.. I didn't want to dragg you into my problems."
Childe sighed. "That's.. nice of you. But I still am your brother and am willing to help you."
"Thank you." 

"Okay so why don't you go over to him? I could come along too." Childe suggested.
I shook my head. "I already tried, but he wouldn't open the door." 
"He wouldn't, but his parents would." 
"I ... don't really want to talk with him when his parents are there. If we end up screaming at eachother I'll-"
"Okay okay I get it." Childe interrupted me. "Should I call him?"
"That's useless. He wouldn't accept any calls from his friends so why would he accept yours?"
"It's worth a try."
"*sigh* Okay fine..." 

Childe went to his room and came back with his phone in his hand. He searched up Kazuha's number and called it. We both sat there listening to the ringing sound, hoping the other person on the line would pick up. Just when I was about to tell him to hang up the ringing tone stops with Kazuha's voice replacing it.


"Hello, Kazuha. How are you?" Childe immediatly asked.
"I'm.. doing fine, how are you?" 
"A-are you sure? You sound a little sad.." 
"I'm... fine.. really. Is there something you want to tell me?"
"I- uhh, actually." 

I opened my mouth to say something, but Childe stops me by placing one finger on my lips.

"I haven't seen you for uhh a while and I thought something might have happened to you." Childe said. 
"Oh.. I've decided I'd spend some time in Watatsumi to.. clear my head for a while."
"How long have you been there?" 
"I'm actually at the train station right now."
Childe and I looked at eachother.
"Aaaand when is the train leaving?" 
"In 20 minutes. Why?"
"Just.. hold on." 


Childe hung up and immediatly jumped up. "What are you waiting for? C'mon!"
"Where you are you going?" I asked confused.
Childe rolled his eyes. "To the train station of course."
"But isn't it 30 minutes away-?"
"Well yes, but maybe we can catch it if we're fast enough." 

We quickly left the house and caught the next bus that arrived. 15 minutes...
I decided to call Heizou and tell him that we know where Kazuha was, but to my suprise he already knew that.


"Wait, you actually knew where Kazuha was going all along?!"
Heizou sighed. "Yes, I did. I promised him not to tell anyone." 
"But then.. Why did he tell Childe?"
"I dunno, maybe because he thought that he wouldn't go after him?" 
"Well.. technically we are on our way now-"
Heizou stopped talking. Then sighed again. "I wish you good luck Scaramouche. Call me anytime if you need help."
"Uhh thank you and see you." 


I looked over to Childe, who was biting his lips nervously.
"Is everything alright..?"
"You know.. Maybe going after him no was a bad choice. The train leaves in 10 minutes anyways and we're not even close to the train station..."
I looked away, my head sunk down into my hands. "Why is this so complicated..."
"Trust me, I know how you feel, buddy. Let's head back. Maybe.. we could convince Ei to let you go after him. I'm pretty sure Miko would. And.. convincing Ei with me, you and Miko shouldn't be too hard..." 


"So you want to go to Watatsumi for a while?" Ei asked and raised an eyebrow.
"Kazuha again?" Miko asked and chuckled.
"Okay I see no problem of you going. But be back on Monda-"
"Oh c'mon let him have some fun!" Miko said and nudged Ei, who sighed. 
"Alright fine.. Just make sure to not skip too much school."


words: 1130

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