Chapter 6

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~Scaramouches pov~

I woke up early to make myself ready for the meet up. Even tho the meet up was in a couple hours, I wanted to dress up good for some reason. I didn't realize how loud I was until Childe came into my room looking very sleepy.

"Comrade, I don't know what you're doing so early in the morning, but it's fucking loud." He complained and sat down in my couch. 
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know. Do you think this is okay to wear?" I asked Childe and showed him the clothes I was wearing. 

Childe looked at me for a while before saying:" Looks fancy, where're you goin?"
"None of your business."
"Oh c'mon I won't tell anyone."
I sighed before saying :" A meet up?"
"Oh? Your going on a date?" 
"*sigh* See? That's why I didn't want to tell you."

"No but seriously are you?" 
"Well not really. It's a meet up with Kazuha and his friends Xiao, Venti, Aether, Lumine, Ayaka and Heizou. I think we're going to the park near our school."
"You think ?"
"I don't know, I hope I remembered it correctly."
"Why don't you ask?"
"... I don't have their numbers..."
"Oh wow. Well good luck then. I'll go back to sleep now." 

Childe walked out of my room. I stood there for a while, looking at myself in the mirror before heading out of my house to get breakfast at a near by cafe.

There weren't many people and I chose a table to sit down. After ordering my food I pulled out my phone and scolled through it. 

"I wasn't expecting to see you here." I heard a familiar voice and a person sat down across me. 
"Oh, uhm, hello Kazuha. I wasn't expecting to see you here either...Why are you here?"
"I'm here with Heizou. We wanted to eat breakfast together before the meet up." Kazuha said and pointed somewhere behind me. 
I turned around and saw Heizou ordering food. After that, he came over. 

"Oh hello Scaramouche." Heizou said and sat down next to Kazuha. I suddently felt a wave of... jealousy? go through my body when I saw them sitting so close to eachother and looked away from them.

"Scaramouche are you okay?" Kazuha asked. 
"I uhm yes I'm fine. I'm going to the bathroom real quick." 
I got up from my seat and hurried to the bathroom.

~Kazuhas Pov~

I watched Scaramouche hurry to the bathroom and asked myself what happened. Did I say something wrong? I shook that thought away. Maybe he just needs to go to the bathroom.

"Since when is Scaramouche like this?" Heizou asked and snapped my thoughts away.
"What do you mean with that?"
"You know, he is always alone or with Childe, Signora or Dottore. Never have I seen him with any other person. I'm suprised he isn't mean to you."
"Oh, really?" 
"Well anyways, we should hurry up or we'll be late." 

Soon our food arrived, but Scaramouche was still nowhere to be seen. Maybe I should check up on him. 
"I'm gonna go see what Scaramouche is doing, I'll be right back." I told Heizou and made my way to the bathroom. 

"Scaramouche?" I peeked my head into the bathroom. No respond. I walked back outside, then I saw Scaramouche sitting outside the cafe so I went up to him. 

"Hey.." I said and sat down next to him. 
From his facial expression I could tell he was shocked to see me.
"*sigh* what do you want." He said and looked away.
"Uhm. You have been away for quite some time and I was wondering where you went."
"I just needed some time for myself, no need to worry about me." 
"Well, okay then. Our food arrived, should we go eat it?" 
He nodded and we went back inside. 

We finished our food and went to our meet up place. Aether, Lumine, Ayaka, Xiao and Venti were already there. 

"Guess we are the last once." Heizou laughed and ran up to the rest, leaving me and Scaramouche alone. 
"You know who these people are, right?" I asked him.
"Mhm, these two girls are Lumine and Ayaya. I already know Heizou and Aether, so I guess these two with green hair at the tip of their hair are Xiao and Venti?" 
"Mhm. Oh yea before I forget again. Can I have your number?" 
"Sure." He pulled out his phone and we exchanged numbers. 

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