Chapter 15

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~Scaramouches pov~

I was cleaning my room, making sure everything was perfect. Kazuha was going to stay at our place for the weekend, since his parents are out. With one last check I closed my door and went downstairs to the rest of my Family. I sat down next the Childe and pulled out my phone. 

As soon as I heard the doorbell ring I quickly jumped up and opened the door. I practically jumped on Kazuha when I saw him standing infront of the door. 
"Woah careful!" Kazuha yelled and giggled when we both fell onto the ground. 
I looked at the stuff he brought with him. He had a bag and a cage with him where a white cat was inside.
" I brought Lily with me. I- hope you don't mind." 
"No, I don't mind. Come inside."

Kazuha took his things and entered the house. I helped him with his stuff.
"Can I take Lily out of her cage?" I asked him.
"Sure." Kazuha replied.
I opened the door of the cage and Lily stepped out. She rubbed her head against my leg and I gently patted her back. 

"Hey comrades! What are yall doing?" Childe asked, who was standing at the doorframe of the livingroom. 
"Nothing." I said and went to the living room with Kazuha.
Huge mistake. 
Ei and Miko were sitting there and Miko immediately jumped up when she saw Kazuha. 
"Oh hello Kazuha! How have you been?" 
Kazuha nervously smiled back. "I am good, thanks. H-how are you?" 
"I'm good. I heard you and Kuni are a couple now. Congrats, welcome to the Family!"
My face heat up. "MOM I-" I yelled, but Kazuha cut me off by putting his hand on my mouth. 
"Thank you :)" Kazuha said, hurriedly took my hand and dragged me out. 

"I'm sorry for Miko..." I said when we went up to my room. 
"It's fine, you don't have to apologize." Kazuha said.
"I mean, what she said was true tho." I said and looked at him.
Kazuha looked away and seemed to be blushing. I chuckled and lifted his chin a little to kiss him. He was blushing even harder when I pulled away.

"C-can you help me with some homework I have?" He asked. 
"Why are you changing the subject?" 
"Cause, I-I have some stuff I don't understand and I uhh hoped you could help me with it and-" 
"Mhm, okay sure, go get it." I said. 
While Kazuha went back downstairs to get his bag I stole a chair from Childe's room and carried it back to my room. 
"So, where do you need help with?" I asked and Kazuha handed me his folder, showing me where he needs help.

I looked over his notes and then started to explain what he has to do. 

~Kazuhas pov~

"How are you so good at this?" I asked once we finished my homework.
"Heh, I'm good at everything." Scaramouche said proudly.
"Soooo~." I came closer to him. "So your good in bed too~?" 
"I- WHAT??" 
I started to laugh and Scaramouche covered his face in embarrassment. But then he grabbed my chin, forcing me to face him. "You wanna find out tho~?" 
I instantly stopped laughing and started coughing. 

Thankfully I heard a small noise coming from the door and jumped up to open the door. Lily was standing infront of the door and stepped inside when I opened the door. 
"Hi Lily." I said and wanted to pet her, but she walked straight past me and went to Scaramouche.
"PFAHAHHAHA I guess I'm her favourite now." Scaramouche laughed and sat down on the ground so Lily can lie down on his lap. 
He started to pet her and she purred. I went over and sat down in front of them

"I want hugs too." I said and pretended to pout.
"Too bad, it's Lilys turn."
I didn't listen to him and started moving closer and sat down on his lap as well, Lily between us. 
"What are you doing?" Scaramouche asked. 
"I said I want hugs." I said and looked him in the eyes.
He gave in. "Okay fine, c'mere." 
I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. Lily was still peacefully lying between us. 

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