Chapter 7

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^credits to chewMMD on twitter

~Scaramouches pov~

I was looking through my chemistry folder, when I felt someone sit down next to me. 

"Good morning!" Kazuha said and smiled. 
I felt a thousand butterflies in my stomach when I saw him smile. I didn't realize I was staring, until Signora, who sat behind me, tapped me on the shoulder. 
"I-uhm morning!" I stuttered back. 
"Do you mind if I sit here? Ayaka is not here today." He asked.
"Sure, I don't mind." 
I could see, that Kazuha had a little worried face. Was he worried about Ayaka...? I was about to ask him what happened, but then Mr. Albedo arrived and started our lesson, so I decided to ask him at lunch.

"Alright class, open your books on page 165 and do task 1-4. " Mr. Albedo said.

I opened my book and shared it with Kazuha, since he forgot his. 
"UGH why is this so confusing." Kazuha whined and put his head on the table. 
"It's really not that hard. Here, I can show you." I said and we started to work together. 

He moved closer to me. Our shoulders were touching and I could feel my heart pound, but shook it off. I started explaining the task and my happiness grew, whenever I saw Kazuha's eyes lit up, when he understood something. 

"Ahem, Signora. Phones are not allowed in class unless I say you can use them." Mr. Albedo suddently said and everyone looked at Signora, who quickly put her phone back into her backpack. 

After 5 min someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Signora passing me a note. I took it and opened it.

'Found urself a bf? hah you guys look cute together.


My face was red after reading her message. I wrote her back. 

'we are not together!'

Shortly after, I recieved her reply. 

'mhm, not yet'

I decided not to answer her anymore and instead focused on class.

~time skip~

It was lunch break and I hurried out of class, so I can talk to Kazuha. I found him sitting alone with a sad face. I took my lunch and sat down next to him. 

"Hey!" I said. 
"Are you alright?" 
"Yea, I'm fine. It's nothing to worry abo-" 
He got interuppted by his phone ringing.
"Sry, I'll be right back. It's from my mom!"
He then hurried outside.

After a few minutes he came back and sat down next to me. I looked at his face and his facial expression was filled with sadness. 

"Kazuha, please tell me what's wrong." 
"I told you, it's nothing you should worry abou-"
I suddently grapped his hand and turned him around so he was facing me.
"Please Kazu, just tell me what's wrong. I'm worried."

I saw tears form in Kazuha's eyes and felt a wave of regret go through my body. Was I too harsh on him??? Tears where now streaming down Kazuha's face. I didn't know what to do, so I hugged him and he leaned in my chest and cried. 

"Shhh. Kazu, it's fine. Y-You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.." I said trying to make up. 
"No, it's my cat. Sh-she's m-missing." Kazuha said and cried even more. 

I could hear many people wispering and talking about us but I didn't care. Soon enough his friends arrived and immediately ran to us.

"OMG KAZUHA !! ARE YOU ALRIGHT??! " Venti screamed and put a hand on Kazuha's shoulder to comfort him. 
I looked at Kazu for agreement on telling them what happened and he nodded. 
"Kazu's cat is missing." I said. 

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