Chapter 19

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~Kazuhas pov~

I was confused after Childe hang up on me, but didn't continue to mind and got into the train. 

When I arrived I was greeted by Gorou. He was the only person I told about what happened and the reason why I came here. As soon as he saw me he ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"I'm sorry for what happened to you." 
"It's fine, you don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault after all."
"But it came so shocking, he seemed like such a nice guy. Sara told us how he'd said nice stuff about you and he seemed really in love-"
"Gorou.. stop.." I wispered and looked down.
"Ohhh sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's.. fine.. don't worry.." 

I took my bags and quietly followed Gorou to his house. After that we went out. Gorou tried to cheer me up with some food and other stuff and it seemed to help. It was late when we arrived back at his house. 

"Are you feeling good enough to go to school tomorrow? I've asked my Mom if you could go back to your old school while you're in Watatsumi. The school agreed for you to go."
"I.. think I can." I answered. 
"Okay great. Do the others know you're here?" 
"I haven't told them yet, but I think they'll see me tomorrow anyways."
"Hah, it'll be a little suprise." Gorou giggled and I smiled a little. 

"Alright, good night then."


I woke up by the sound of the alarm and looked around me. Gorou was covering his ears with his pillows. I chuckled and got up to turn off the alarm.
"Oh thank god, I hate that noise.." Gorou said relieved.
"Why don't you just turn your alarm sound to a ... more softer tone?"
"I don't know, the sOfT ones just make me want to continue sleeping so I'd rather stick with this one." 
I laughed. 

We got ready and finished breakfast early and went to my old school. 
"How do you think it'll be?" Gorou suddently asked.
"You mean at school? I think it'll be okay. I mean, I never had any troubles before so why should I now." 
"Mhm, you're right. We'll be together the whole day I think, since we are gonna share the same schedule." 
"Alright, I don't mind-" 
My sentence got cut off by someone yelling.

"Kazuha??? Kazuha!! What are you doing here?" Kokomi came running over to me. "Did something happen to you? Or your parents? Or- wait, did Scaramouche come too-"
"Calm down and keep it down." I hushed, since Kokomis yelling caught the attention of many students. 
"Ah haha, sorry.."
"I'm here to.. let's say relax a little." I said.
"Oh, why?"
"Well..." I looked over to Gorou. "I kinda had a fight with a friend of mine and yea.."
"Oh, I'm sry. But everything's gonna be alright." She said and smiled. I hope...

"Oh hey bro, haven't seen you for a while." I turned around and saw Itto. 
"Ahaha hello Itto."
"Since when have you been here? Are you moving back again?" 
"No, I'm not moving back, my parents didn't come with me. And I've been here since yesterday. Gorou was so kind and let me stay over." I smiled and Gorou.
"How come you let him stay over but not me?" Itto complained to Gorou.
"Well, he had his reasons...and would you look at that we have class now uhh see ya-" Gorou said, pulling him with me. 

I was a little confused. "Don't we still have about 10 minutes?" 
"Yea.. but eh. I wanted to go to class early today." 
I knew that was a lie and raised an eyebrow. "That's not the reason why you're going early today."
"Okay okay." He said defeated. "I- you know, Itto often asks me why he can't stay over and- I mean I'd love to have a sleep over with him. I'm just afraid that he will be too loud.."
"Aww, you don't have to worry about that. Just talk with him. I'm sure I'd understand and keep his voice down."
"But.. I don't want to hurt his feelings..-"
"Don't worry too much about that. I mean, you should and it's good that you consider it, but not telling him is not any better. Imagine all the fun you guys would miss out if you don't tell him." 
Gorou sighed. "I guess you're right.."

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