Chapter 12

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~Scaramouches pov~

I woke up with something warm in my arms. It felt so comfortable I pulled it closer to me and sluggled into it. 

Snuggled into it... WAIT with what am I cuddleing?! 

I opened my eyes and looked down to see a sleeping Kazuha snuggled up in my chest. I immiediatly paniced and slowly pushed him away. Did he knew about this? I could only hope Kazuha didn't know that we were cuddleing. I wanted to get up but then I noticed that our hands intertwined together and blushed. 

A little woken up by my movements Kazuha slowly moved.
"Scara..?" He said sleepily.
"I-uhm, I just wanted to get up. Don't worry I'll wake you up later-"
"Come back, I wanna cuddle..." 

I blushed even more at his request, stuttered something and was about to get up when Kazuha pulled me back down.
"I said I wanna cuddle." Kazuha said and snuggled back. 
I froze, not daring to move as Kazuha fell asleep again. My heart was pounding and I prayed that Kazuha couldn't hear my heartbeat since he was pretty close to my chest. 

I didn't move until I heard Kazuha sleeping again. After taking a deep breath I looked down at him. How are you so cute , so perfect..? I asked myself and slowly moved closer to his face. Without thinking about it I placed a soft kiss on his forehead. As soon as I realized what I did, a wave of regret went through my body. I didn't ask Kazuha if he was okay with this. My heart was fluttering, my face blushing and I knew how wrong these feelings were, since Kazuha wasn't gay and probbably wouldn't be comfortable with it. I guess I should be fine as long as he doesn't find out. I thought and wrapped one arm around Kazuha, since the other one was still holding his hand.


It was about an hour later when I woke up again. I reached for my phone and looked at the time. Oh god, were late!! I gently woke up Kazuha.
"Mhm?" Kazuha said and streched himself.
"Kazu wake up, were late!" 
Kazuha stopped to stretch himself midway and jumped up. 
"Oh no!"
He got out of the bed, quickly took out some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. 
I giggeled a bit before changing as well. 

We both packed our backpacks before leaving our hotel room and returned our keys. 

"Where do you wanna go now?" I asked Kazuha.
"Mhm... My friends and I planned on having breakfast and lunch together, before we go back. We should hurry up to get to the café." 
Kazuha didn't even finish his sentence before taking my hand and dragging me into some direction where, I guess, the café is. 

We arrived at the café and saw Kazuhas friends already sitting at a table and we walked over to them. 

~Kazuhas pov~

"Good morning you two." Kokomi greeted us. "Why are you guys late? Did you have some fun last night~?"
"Wh-at? No.." I replied.
"Why are you holding hands then?" Gorou asked and smirked a bit.
Just then I noticed that I was still holding Scara's hand and felt embarrassment overwhelm me. Even tho I now know that we are holding hands I still didn't let go. I felt comfortable with it and Scara didn't seem to mind either. 

"Wait, are you guys a couple?" Itto asked.
"N-no were not..." 
Of course the others teased us about it but I shock it off. 


We spend some times playing some games, talking and eating lunch before me and Scara had to go. My friends accompanied us to the train station and we said our goodbyes.

"Goodbye Kazuha! See you soon!" Both Kokomi and Gorou said and gave me a hug. 
I turned over to Scaramouche. Sara was wispering something into his ear and I swear I saw him blush. I thought it was weird, but didn't continue to mind it, since I saw our train arriving. 

I waved my friends a final goodbye before entering the train, Scaramouche following me. 
"Do you want to sit at a window or should I?" I asked him, but he seemed to be in his thoughts.
I gently poked his shoulder and he flinched a little.
"Hah, sry didn't want to scare you. So uhm, do you wanna sit at the window or not?" I asked him again.
"Uhh, you can sit at the window.." Scara said.


We made it safely back and were immiediatly greeted by my mom as soon as we walked out of the train.
"Heyy, Kaz. Your back!" My mom Beidou greeted and hugged me. "Let's go back. We can dropp your friend over there at his house too." 
I asked Scaramouche if he wanted to and he nodded. 

We didn't really talk much in the ride and soon made it to Scaramouche's house. Scaramouche thanked Beidou for dropping him off and walked toward his house. I just watched him from the window of the car.
"Alright Kaz, let's go back home too." Beidou said and was about to drive away when I told her to stop.
"Wait hold on, I'll be right back." I said, opened up the door and ran towards Scaramouche. 

~Scaramouches pov~

Just when I was about to open the door I heard someone calling my name and turned around and saw Kazuha running towards me. When he reached me he gave me a hug and I hugged him back confused. 
"Thank you for joining me! It really means a lot to me." Kazuha said, still hugging me. 
'It really means a lot to me'.. I thought to myself and suddently remembered what Sara told me before we got on the train. 'I expect you guys to be a couple the next time you guys visit. Ask him out, it'll be worth it.'  I opened my mouth to say something, but Kazuha spoke up before me.
"Anyways, see you in school tomorrow!" He said and ran back to the car.
I turned around again, opened the door and got in. 

Immiediatly I got greeted by my family. 

"Comrade, your back!!" Childe said and wanted to give me a hug, but I dodged it. 
"Hey! You let Kazuha hug you but not me?" 
"Duh, because Kazuha is our dear Kuni's boyfriend." Yae miko said and giggeled slightly. 
"Ugh, don't tease him that much. " Ei said who appeared behind Yae and nudged her arm. 

I ignored the teasing and dragged Childe upstairs into my room before he could say anything. 

"Okay, Childe. I need your opinion on this: Do you think I should.. confess to Kazuha?" 
Instead of answering Childe started laughing. 
"Pff, I need more details." He managed to say between laughs.
"Uhm so... I- I don't know. One of Kazuha's friends said I should.." 

"Mhm.. what did you guys do in Watatsumi."
"Talking with his friends.. Also he held my hand and we cuddled and hugged together." I said and looked away feeling a little embarrassed. 
"Why shouldn't you confess then? He seems to like you." 
"H-he said something about not being gay. I meet Mona in Watatsumi by the way. She said he might have paniced, since I've uhm... pinned him to the wall.." 
Childe started to laugh again. "I'm sry but this is too entertaining." 
"AHhahahah, okay Kuni listen. I know your gay, but can you please think straight for a moment. Look he holds your hand, huggs you and likes to talk to you.  Tell me something that tells you, that he doesn't like you."
"See? I'm gonna invite him over tomorrow so you guys can have some fun."
"Invite him over. Don't worry I'm gonna invite others too." 

"Shouldn't we ask our parents first..?"
"Ei and Miko are gonna be out tomorrow and they're normally fine with us inviting people over." 
"Uhm okay..." 
"Don't worry, if you want to have some private time with your white-haired-beauty you guys can always go into your room." 
"I- don't call him that..-"
"Oh I'm sorry. Should I call him your pretty-boy-with-beautiful-white-hair-with-a-super-cute-smile instead?"


words: 1334

A/N: not me trying to answer to comments but not knowing what to say cause idk what to say and I'm introverted as fuc-

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