Chapter 5

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~Scaramouches pov~

Still feeling tired I opened my eyes when I heard my alarm going off. Then I realized that I was still cuddeling with Kazuha and started to blush again. I was lucky that I woke up first, which has saved me an awkward explanation. Do I really ... have a crush on him..? I asked myself as I took a look at Kazuha and immidiatly feel for his pretty face. I stared at him for a long time until I realized what I was doing and looked away. Sighing I hugged him for one last time I got up to change in the bathroom. 

I went downstairs to find Childe making breakfast. 
"Good morning, comrade. How did you guys sleep?"
"Good I guess?" I answered and yawned. 
"Mhm, pretty sure. It looked comfortable the way you guys were cuddeling." Childe said and I felt my face heat up. 
"Shhhh! Calm down, you're gonna wake up our parents and ur pretty boyfriend." 
"I- *sigh* whatever." I turned around to go back upstairs to wake up Kazuha.

I opened the door to find Kazuha...sitting on the bed... shirtless.
I immidiatly slammed the door and yelled a "Sorry!" while running to the bathroom. My heart was pounding. Looking in the mirror my face was all red. I... can't believed I walked on him changing. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Even tho I don't like to admit, I liked what I saw. 

As I opened the door, I saw Kazuha standing infront of it and I felt my face heat up again. I mentally gave myself a face slap. Scaramouche, stop this. This is so embarrassing...
"Uhm, are you okay-?"
"Yes! I'm fine." I responded. "Sry for barging in earlier. I- I didn't mean to, I thought you were still sleeping."
"Oh don't worry, it's okay." 

"Childe prepared breakfast downstairs, wanna go eat?" 
"Sure, but can I go to the bathroom before that?"
"Oh yea sure." I said, just now realizing I was standing in the way. 

I made my way downstairs again and saw Childe already sitting on a chair waiting for us to come down. Waiting for Kazuha, I zoned out and called back the moment I walked in on Kazuha. No Scaramouche, get it out of your head. Childe noticed me thinking and started to talk to me.
"Hey Buddy, something wrong? Did something happen? I heard you scream 'sorry' not long ago."
"I-walked-in-on-Kazuha-changing." I wispered and Childe began to laugh.
"Oh wow, who would have thought that little Kuni would be so messed up about a little crush." 
"I- I don't have a crush on him..." 
"Mhm, okay we'll see about that. By the way, I have an interesting photo you might want to see."
Childe pulled out his phone and showed me a photo of me and Kazuha cuddeling.
"UGHHH CHILDE!" I yelled and snapped his phone away. 
I refused but send the photo to myself before deleting it from his phone . 

When Kazuha came down we started to eat breakfast and then got ready for school.

~time skip till they arrive at school~

The whole way to school Childe was talking to Kazuha, while I was walking next to them listening to music. As soon as we reached school Kazuha saw his friends and said goodbye to us. I followed him with my eyes not realizing I was staring again. Only when he looked my way and smiled shyly I realized and quickly looked away. 

I turned around and saw Childe standing there whispering something in Signoras ears. Both of them had a smirk on their face and Signora laughed quietly while Childe continued to talk.
"Hey! What are you guys talking about?" 
"Nothing!" Childe said while Signora continued to laugh. 
"Aha, okay sure. Keep your secrets, I won't continue to ask." I said annoyed and walked away. 

~Kazuhas pov~

I noticed Scaramouche staring at me. It wasn't the first time, tho I thought he might just stare at me because I'm new, but now I'm not so sure. Does he.. hate me or something? I shook my head and turned back to my friends again. 

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