Chapter 4

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~Kazuhas pov~

I woke up early today, so I decided to go to the library. Saying my goodbyes to my mothers I made my way to school, thinking about the math homework I still had to do which I don't understand at all. 

Sighing I entered the school and tried to find the library. The school was pretty big, so I had troubles finding it. Ugh why is this school so big, maybe I should head that way-

"Hey comrade, what are you doing here so early?" My thought were interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Uhm, hey Childe. I was looking for the library. Could you... maybe show me the way?"
"Sure, comrade, come with me."

I followed Childe, wondering how he knew how to get around in this big school that felt like a maze to me.

"We're here. Go sit to the table in the corner over there. I... gotta go somewhere, see you!" Childe then ran away.

Confused I followed his instruction and made my way over to the table. There was a person already sitting there reading a book, so I tried to avoid eye contact while I sat down. I took out my math homework ,starting to work on it when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up to see the person sitting across me watching me.

"Uhhh hi uhm Scaramouche..-"
"Kazuha, what are you doing here?"
"Childe told me to sit there. I- I can go if you want me to-"
"No don't go- I mean... It's fine you can stay."
"Oh okay.." 

I nervously continued my work, starting to get frustrated since I did not understand anything. Writing and erasing the things I write. 

"Dude, can you stop that, it's annoying." I shrieked when I suddently heard Scaramouches voice. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, do you need help with anything?"
"No, no really it's fine. I should be able to get the answer..." I answered, not wanting him to get involved. 

But after a few minutes I felt someone sit down next to me. 
"So tell me, what is it you need help with?" Scaramouche wispered.
"I already told you, I don't need help and stop wispering." 
"Oh c'mon I can see you struggle, now show me."
Defeated I gave him my papers and he took a look at it. 

As he was looking through my papers I looked around the library and saw a lot of people staring at us, which made my a little uncomfortable. Then I spot Lumine and Ayaka also staring at us. While Ayaka looked confused Lumine was busy forming hearts with her hands and pointed at us. I felt heat coming up my body by what she did and looked away embarrassed. 
"So uhm, I think I know what you did wrong." As soon as Scaramouche said that, he got my attention and I listened to his explanation. 
"Basically you have to *insert professional explanation*

"Okay... thank you for your help Scaramouche."
"Your welcome."
"Could you maybe.. help me with math in the future?"
"Uhh sure? Do you wanna meet up today? I have time today."
"Okay, so we meet up at the front gate?"
"Fine by me."
"Well uhm, see you then."

I rushed out of there getting to my first class. 

"Well who do we have here." I heard familiar a voice behind me.
"Ohh hello Ayaka and Lumine, how are you guys doing?" 
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
"Wait- what boyfriend?" 

"Oh myy I have to tell Aether!" Lumine squeaked as she pulled out her phone.
"Wait, who are you guys talking about? I don't have a boyfriend!"
"Oh, so you're not dating Scaramouche?"
"WHAT NO NEVER! I'm not gay."
"Didn't seem like it.." Lumine wispered.

"Ughh whatever, see you guys around."
I turned around and left. 

~Scaramouches pov~

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