Chapter 14

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~Scaramouches pov~

The first thing I felt in the morning was Childe, who was shaking me.
"Scaramouche! You slept through your alarm!" 
I slowly opened my eyes. "What time is it..?" I asked and yawned.
"We still have about 45 min before school starts." Childe said and watched me sit up. "You know, I'm suprised how tired you are. Didn't you get enough sleep yesterday? You and Kazuha looked so cute and comfortable I almost wanted to join." 
I groaned and pushed him out of my room. Then I thought of seeing Kazuha in school again. I quickly changed, packed my things and was ready to go but someone stopped me.

"Comrade, I know you want to see Kazuha, but please eat some breakfast before going. Plus he might not be there yet." 
I sighed and nodded. Childe prepared breakfast for us and we sat down to eat. 

When I stepped outside I looked up to the sky and noticed some dark clouds. Maybe I should bring an umbrella... I went back inside to grab an umbrelly before making my way to school. 

But the closer we got to school, the more my anxiety grew. How am I supposed to act in front of Kazu now?? 
I saw Kazuha standing together with his friends and stopped. I thought about going out of his way until lunch break, but Childe gently nudged my shoulder signalizing me to go over. 
"C'mon, go and greet your bo-" Before Childe could finish his sentence I quickly covered his mouth. 
"Don't say that out loud!" I hissed and turned red. 
"Don't be so embarrassed. I'm just saying the truth. Now go." Childe said and walked away. 

I took a deep breath and slowly walked over to them. 
"Oh, hi Scara!" Venti said and waved. 
"H-hi!" I said and waved back. Well I guess I can't run away now...
I made eyecontact with Kazuha and for a second we just stared at eachother before I squeezed out a "Hi Kazu..".
"Hi Scara." Kazuha said and smiled nervously.
"Oh my, you guys are a frickin couple. Why are you so awkward to eachother?" Venti said. 

"WAIT WHAT THEY ARE WHAT??" Lumine asked, who was now standing next to Venti. 
"Oh yea, it happened yesterday." Heizou said.
"AWWW CONGRATS!!! Have you guys kissed yet?" 
"A-uh." The question caught both me and Kazuha off guard and we both just looked at the ground blushing. 
"That means yes by the way." Venti said and giggled. 

This is so embarrassing... My head was going to explode from blushing so hard. 
"Looks like someone's overheating." Lumine said. 
"I- I'm n-not!" I yelled back and covered my face. 
"Well anyways, we're gonna leave you two alone now. Bye, see you at lunch!" 
They all left leaving me and Kazuha alone. 
"I- uh.." I started but stopped, desperatly trying to come up with something to talk about. "W-hat class do you have now?" That's such a stupid question. I mentally face palmed.
"Uhh I have math now." 

Silence again.

"You wanna go inside?" I asked after a while and Kazuha nodded.
I tried to grab his hand, but Kazuha walked to fast and I missed. Feeling a little embarrassed I quickly walked after him. 

We soon arrived at the room where Kazuha's math class was gonna be. 
"I-uhm See you at lunch then." Kazuha stuttered. 
"Mhm..wait." There was noone in the room yet so I walked forward and pulled him into a hugg. I softly kissed his cheeks. "Love you..." I wispered. 
"Love you too." Kazuha wispered back. 

I continued to hold him in my arms until I heard some students in the hallways and let go. "See you." 
I left the room and hurried to my class.

~time skip till lunch break~

Kazuha was nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria, so I choose an empty table and sat down. Soon Kazuha's friends joined me at the table. 
"Where's Kazuha?" Heizou asked. 
"I'm here!" A person behind me said and sat down next to me. 

We finished lunch quickly and just stayed in the cafeteria to spend the rest of the break there. As we listened to what the otheres were saying I slowly put my hand on Kazuhas. His facial expression was suprised. I didn't know what he though about this, but since he didn't pull away I left my hand there.

 Slowly I got closer to Kazuha until our shoulders were touching. I looked up at him and saw him blush and looking away. I giggled and moved even closer. 
"Y-you're t-too close.." Kazuha wispered and I moved away a little. 
"Are you okay?" I asked a little concerned. 
"Y-yes I'm fine." Kazuha said, but pulled his hand away from mine. 

Then the bell ring and Kazuha quickly walked away before I could say goodbye. I watched him worriedly. Did I make him feel uncomfortable? 
"Are you guys okay?" Venti asked and watched Kazuha walking away.
"I... think so?" 

I couldn't stop thinking about the way he ran away for the rest of my classes. I pratically sprinted out of the classroom once my last class ended to find Kazuha. 
I saw him at the Gate and quickly ran to him. 
"Kazu.. are you okay?" I asked while catching my breath.
"Mhm yea, why are you asking?" 
"You ran away earlier I thought something happened." 
"Ohhhh. No nothing I jus-" 
Kazuhas sentence was interrupted by a loud thunder and it started to rain. 

"Ughh, I knew I should have brought my umbrella." Kazuha complained. 
"Ah, don't worry. I brought one, we can share one." 

~Kazuhas pov~

I watched Scaramouche open his bag and pulling out his umbrella. 
"Here. I can bring you back home if you want to." Scaramouche offered.
"Mhm.." I said and nodded. 

We started walking, but none of us was talking. I felt his hand touching and intertwine with mine. It was a pretty comfortable silence, except the fact that I was panicing inside. I needed to clear up something but didn't know how to say it. 
I opened my mouth, but closed it soon after.
"Is there something you want to tell me?" Scaramouche asked. 

I looked at him and blushed. 
"I-I wanted to ask you how we're gonna act infrot of .. you know.. friends, in school.." 
"You want us to act differently?" Scaramouche asked and looked at me. 
"NO! That's not what I meant..." 
"What do you mean then?" Scaramouche stopped walking and turned to me. 

"I mean..- are you comfortable with us hugging or uhm kissing in public..?" I asked and avoided eyecontact with him. 
Suddently I felt soft lips on mine and froze. 
"Does this answer your question?" Scaramouche asked after he pulled away. 
I nodded and we continued to walk. 

We soon arrived at my house. 
"Well, see you tomorrow I guess." Scaramouche said and gave me a hugg with one arm since the other one was holding the umbrella. 
I still wanted a kiss, so I pulled him closer and pressed my lips against his. We stood there for about a minute until I pulled away. 
"Goodbye, I'll text you later." I said and Scaramouche nodded. 
I watched him walk away and then went inside the house. I heard a bing from my phone. I thought it was one from Scaramouche, but it was from Lumine. 


*Lumi ✨ has send a photo*

I'm sry, but I happened to walk into you guys, anyways you guys are so cute 😭


nooooooooooo I wasn't 😊

mhm sure

okay yes I wassssss but you guys are so cute. I wish you both all the best :D! 

thank you :)



words: 1257

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