Chapter 2

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- the time when school starts again -

~Kazuhas Pov~

"Are you sure you can make it on your own?" Beidou looked at me worriedly.
"Yes mom, I'm sure I can make it!" I responded confidently 

Beidou let out a sigh. "Okay fine, but take care of yourself okay? And text me when you arrived."
I quickly nodded and made my way out of the house.

My mom Ningguang went to work early and Beidou insisted on bringing me to school. But I want to go alone. I can find my way there on my own..

Oh how wrong I was.

There were so many people around me and I could hardly focus on the map on my phone which shows me the way to school. I eventually got lost and looking at the clock, I will be too late.

Why didn't I just listen to Beidou

I was so mad at myself I didn't realized I ran straight into a person.

~Scaramouches Pov~

I was in a middle of a conversation with Childe when someone bumped straight into him. 
"Woaw hey there comrade. Are you okay?" Childe looked at the person in front of him. 
"Uhhh, yes I'm fine. I'm sorry..."
"No need to be sorry, we'll be going then." Childe waved goodbye to the person but they interrupted him.
"Hey, uhm, do you guys know Teyvat high? I'm a little lost."
"Sure thing, we are on our way there. Just follow us then." Childe said and I gared at him. I didn't like the idea of someone following us to school, but Childe just simply walked off. I glared at the person before following Childe and they seemed to understand the message when they quickly went to Childes other side - far away from me.

"What's your name, comrade?"
"My name is Kazuha, what's yours?"
"Call me Childe and that person beside me is Scaramouche."
"Oh, nice to meet you :)"

I rolled my eyes. Childe and that Kazuha-person continued their conversation the whole way to school, which was pretty annoying and I was looking forward to see Dottore and Signora again. Better than dealing with these two. 

~Kazuhas pov~

Oh, so thats Scaramouche. I thought when Childe introduced me to him and I could feel Scaramouche being annoyed by my existence. 

The whole way I was talking with Childe until we reached school. I quickly said goodbye to Childe when I saw Heizou standing at the front gate looking at his phone.

"Heizou!!" Heizou raised his head when he heard my voice.
"Oh my Kazuha. Why weren't you responding to my messages. I was worried."
Oh god I didn't even see his messages since I was talking to Childe.
"Sorry, didn't see them."
"Well, cmon we're late!"

Heizou started to run to the school and I followed. 
"Uhh the Principals office is over there, lets go there first to get your schedule." Saying that Heizou ran into a different direction and I followed him confused. 

After getting my schedule from the principle, Mrs Jean, the bell had already rung and Heizou quickly brought me to my first lesson before running to his own class. 

~Scaramouches pov~

"Good morning class. My name is Mr. Albedo and I teach chemistry. We should have a new student in our class but he seems to be missing-"

Just when he was finishing his sentence we saw that Kazuha-person open the door and running into the classroom and I mentally face-palmed. Out of EVERONE it had to be him. 

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