Chapter 3

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~Kazuhas Pov~

"Jeez Guys, slow down!"

School has come to an end and Xiao, Venti, Heizou, Aether and I wanted to go to a nearby park so I can get to know them better.

"Why are we running anyways?" I said panting.

"Because I want to get out of this horrible place as soon as possible!" Venti screamed still running. Suddently Xiao grabbed his wrist, stopping him from running.
"Hey! What was that fo-"
"SH! Shut up." Xiao wispered and they saw a teacher with red hair turning around a corner passing by us. 

As soon as the teacher was out of sight Venti let out a reliefed sigh.
"Thank you xiao-xiao! You saved my life!" He said giving Xiao a hug and Xiao mumbled something back.

Confused I turned to Heizou, asking what happened.
"Oh, that teacher. His name is Mr. Diluc. For some reason he doesn't like it when students run around screaming - something Venti does very often." He responded and I let out an "oh" sound. 

 We successfully made it to the park without anymore troubles and sat down in the grass (omg they're touching grass).Most of the time Venti and Xiao were bullying or feeding eachother while Heizou, Aether and I were talking.

"Did you guys notice what Scaramouche did today?" Aether suddently asked and Heizou nodded. 
"Mhm? Is something wrong?" I asked confused.
Aether and Heizou looked at eachother then sat there saying nothing. 
"Am I going to get an answer...?"
"Well, you know. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing...-" Heizou said, looking a little worried.
"Uhm okay but-"
"Are you guys talking about how Scaramouche was staring at Kazuha the whole day?" Venti suddently interrupted.

"UGHH VENTI!" Heizou and Aether both groaned. 
"WELL I'M SORRY, but what did I do wrong-" 
"Telling him that."
"Whatever Venti..." Heizou sighed.
"Wai- what? Now I wanna know!"

"Uhm it's fine, I already knew-" I interrupted but was immediately screamed at.
"Uhhh, is it a bad thing..."
"Well," Heizou started but stopped, looked at the rest of us and started thinking. "Well, actually.. thinking about it, no. He hasn't really done anything bad, so.."
"But he isn't the nicest person I've met, so be careful okay?" Aether said, still looking worried.
"I know, he hasn't been nice to me the first time I met him." 

"I'm more questioning why he was staring in the first place." Heizou said, still thinking.
"OHHHHHH does Scaramouche have a crush on Kazu-"
"Venti shut up, will you?!"


~Scaramouche Pov~

Together with Childe and Signora we were on our way home. They were talking so I put on some music and suddently started to think about Kazuha. I shook him out of my thoughts but somehow he always came back to my mind. UGHHHH what is wrong with me.

I pulled out my phone and started to look at the photo I took of Kazuha in the Cafeteria. There was just something sooo interesting about him that made my stomach fill with butterflys. I zoomed in on the image to see his face when Childe suddently yelled my name and I immediately closed my phone feeling my face heat up. 

"Buddy, is something wrong? Do you have a fever? You're face is all red." 
"Yep! I'm fine!" 
Childe and Signora looked at eachother.
"Doesn't seem like it.." I heard Signora wispering.
"I said I'M FINE!" 

They didn't look convinced but decided not to ask and continued walking. 
I sighed and pulled out my phone again -  staring. Scaramouche what is wrong with you, you found him so annoying this morning. Why are you staring at hi-
My thoughts were interrupted by Signora, who snatched my phone out of my hands.

"Hey! G- Give it back!" 
"Awwww look Childe, our Scaramouche has a crush!" Signora said, showing Childe the picture on my phone. 
They both started to make "Awww" sounds and I looked away embarrassed. 

"Kuni, there is nothing to be embarrassed about!" Signora started laughing and Childe joined her. 
"Yeah whatever." I said, snatched my phone back and started to speed-walk back home. 
Never. No way.I don't have a crush on that white-haired boy... 

~little time skip to where they arrive home~

"Sooooooooooo, wanna tell me more about that Kazuha~?"
"Childe, please. Stop it. I don't even tease you about Zhongli so stop teasing me."

"Who has a crush?" We heard a womans voice speaking and two tall women came towards us.
"Hi mom, we were talking abo-"
"How great school is and that-"
"Scaramouche has a crush-"
"Fuck you and no I don't."
Childe raised an eyebrow. "You're blushing."
"Can you stop?"
"With what?"
"Ughhhh whatever!" 
With that I stormed upstairs to my room.
"Wait, what did I do wro-"

~3rd Person pov~

"I think you went a little too far, dear. You should apologize to him later."
"*sigh* yes Yae, I will..."

words: 850

A/N: here, for everyone who doesn't know what grass is:

A/N: here, for everyone who doesn't know what grass is:

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