Chapter 11

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A/N: Thanks for 2k reads :D

~Scaramouches pov~

It didn't take long, before me and Kazuha made it to our hotel. After we recieved our keys we headed up to our room. 

"Alright. Floor 2 room 215." Kazuha read out loud. 

We arrived at the door and Kazuha opened the door. As soon as we stepped in we both froze. 
The room only had one bed. 
"Uhh-" Kazuha started but I interrupted him. 
"I can sleep on the couch!" I suggested. 
"Are you sure? We can both sleep on the bed... I mean, it's not the first time and this one is bigger."
I felt myself blush at his suggestion. "A-Alright, if you don't mind.." 

"Anyways, what do you want to eat for dinner? My treat." Kazuha said with a smile. 
"I don't know, you choose." I replied. Is he asking.. me on a date?

We put our stuff down and went out the hotel to get dinner. 

"Whenever I want to go out to eat, I often go to this one restaurant. I really like the food there. You wanna go there?" Kazuha asked. 
"Sure, lead the way."
(so basically Kazuha lived in Watatsumi before he moved)

Soon we arrived at a small restaurant. We picked out a table and sat down. Soon a waiter came by.
"What can I get for you two?" 
"I'd like to have a 'Delicious Dry-Braised Salted Fish'." Kazuha said. 
"Uh, I'd like to have a 'Shimi Chazuke' please." 
"Okay, your orders will be here in a second." The waiter said and walked away. 
(I think those are their special dish? idk 😭)

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" I said trying to start a conversation.
"I wanted to meet up with my friends tomorrow. After that we're gonna take the train back." 
"Ah okay." 

I got a notification and opened my phone. 

Da Fatuis

Signora: @Scaramouche how is your date goin? 

What date?

Signora: wdym "what date"? Weren't you spending the whole weekend with Kazuha?

Who told you that

Signora: Childe

Childe: uhm...

ughh whatever I'm goin

Signora: hey, don't go. tell us what's happening rn

We're eating dinner together

Childe: omg, a date 😍

It's not a date. 

Signora: sure sure ;) 

he's just being nice and we have to eat something anyways 

Childe: mhm

😑 you don't believe me do you?

Childe: not one word until you say it's a date. 


I'm leaving 



I closed my phone and started a conversation with Kazuha again. After a while our food arrived. 

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