star: prologue

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In Mingyu's life, there were only three absolute truths. The first was that no other rock band could compare to Metallica. The second was that pineapple had no place on a pizza, under any circumstances. And the third, which was the most powerful of all, was that he had an unwavering, all consuming obsession with Satine Fontaine. His heart raced at the mere thought of her, and every fibre of his being longed for her touch. Satine was his own personal enigma, a puzzle he would spend a lifetime trying to solve.

Sitting on his brown, worn-out leather couch in his Brooklyn loft, Mingyu often grazed the space next to him where she would sit – typically watching endless episodes of Silent Witness. She was always horizontal, laying casually with her legs sprung out at all angles, angles that aren't quite possible for most human beings. Whilst she lounged, not tapped into her surroundings, she'd pick at her nails, a habit that only Mingyu picked up on when her mind was full of nonsense that was meaningless to him.

She would occasionally ask if there's an inherent order to nature or if it was all left to chaos and chance. Or sometimes, more often than not, she would debate the topic of nature versus nurture, coming to the conclusion every time that people are driven to sin. Mingyu wouldn't engage, he'd just sit back and let her ramble on for five minutes or so before he answered her philosophical questions with another question that would pique her interest more intensely like... Do you want to order food? Or do you want to lean out of the window and throw water balloons at people walking past? If none of those worked, he would result to using his final and most commonly used tactic, and that was asking if she wanted to fuck.

Satine kept two secrets under lock and key. The first was that she has asked those questions not out of curiosity, but with the sole purpose of luring Mingyu into bed with her. The second secret was that she unwittingly craved the sort of affection only someone as broken as Mingyu could give.

Their relationship was a delicate balance, one that relied on a mutual understanding to avoid asking too many questions. Mingyu's carefree attitude and Satine's expertly crafted facade allowed them to dance around each other's emotions, never quite revealing their true selves.

Back when they first met, Mingyu's behaviour towards Satine was different than most peoples, as in he seemed intent on pretending she didn't exist. She wasn't his type, or rather he she didn't fit his narrow definition of a "rock star's girl", which was based on his infatuation with actresses like Demi Moore and Winona Ryder. At twenty-two and living in the greatest city in the world, he was convinced the possibilities were endless; he was hellbent on finding his own Demi.

Funnily enough, it only took six seconds for Mingyu's efforts of ignoring Satine to crumble. He never expected her to walk into his local bar on a late Friday evening in November and turn his world upside down. But that's exactly what happened, and he didn't resist.

Mingyu was sitting at the bar, nursing a drink and trying his best to blend into the background, when she walked in. Her wet auburn hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, with strands framing her heart-shaped face in a way that was simply beautiful. Her eyes were deep and brown; pooled with mischief and mystery. Her oversized leather jacket swamped her slim frame, but even that couldn't conceal her presence. It took everything in him to keep his eyes off her. He knew she was desirable; he didn't even need to acknowledge the faces of the three men sitting around him to confirm it, he had already come to that conclusion seconds after she walked through the door.

He still remembered the way his bandmates tried it on with her one by one, all of them failing each time. He still remembered the look she threw him as if to say, are you next?

Something Mingyu and Satine both had in common, was that they waited for the prize to come to them. There was no point fighting a losing battle and getting their ego crushed - not that anyone would dare crush it in the first place. It was unavoidable, the fact that they would both be brought together somehow, but more than anything it was predictable that it wouldn't go any further than the intrigue of the others company.

You don't settle down with a girl like Satine, not if you have any sense.

There was no closure in their relationship, and they didn't want any. They both loved the fact that they made the other fall in love, but they loved even more that they pretended like they weren't so enamoured.

It turns out that it's true what they say, one will always love the other more.

It's inevitable.

Some may say they were destined for a fall; others may say they were mates looking for their souls in one another. They may even be classed as a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. It just so happens that they were all three.

This is a tale of two lovers, yet it's the furthest thing from a love story.

»»————- ♥ ————-««


I am so excited for this, you have no idea. Here's a nice lil extra special chapter for you, just to get you wanting more... hehe.

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Mwa xx

Mwa xx

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