star: a surprise

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After a week of working for Mr Yoon, Satine was done. Exhaustion had settled in, leaving dark circles under her eyes and blisters on her feet. Not to mention she had run out of clean clothes and grown a frickin' pimple the size of Uranus out of nowhere, right in the middle of her cheek. It was enough to drive anyone mental, but Satine in particular was about to bubble over like a scolding hot stew.

Nevertheless, she was by far the greatest secretary Mr Yoon had ever seen. Impeccably dressed, despite her lacking wardrobe, punctual, hardworking, thorough, and held the finest attention to detail. He hadn't admitted it to her face, but he was more than impressed by her efforts. Yes, he may have been biased by his curious liking towards the feisty temptress who made it her mission to keep him on his toes, but that didn't take away from her exemplary skills.

He was waiting for Monday morning, knowing full well that he was planning on arriving at the office bright and early just to see the panicked look on her face after thinking she was late.

Satine, on the other hand, was dreading the approaching week. It's not that she didn't like the job, in fact, she loved it. It's just that apart from Mingyu she had never been around somebody so distracting in a way so infuriating that it set the skin on her chest alight. Mr Yoon was deadly with his charms but even deadlier with his power to have her running laps of the place. Satine was never one to be taken advantage of, but his position made it almost impossible.

Thursday morning was particularly memorable after she walked into his office to be struck by a blinding light reflecting off of his wrist. He had gotten his hands on the new Rolex Submarine and was actively rubbing it in her face. Much to her surprise, however, he didn't give her a hard time after she wasn't able to get it. Instead, he just spent the entire afternoon casually questioning if she was capable of even the simplest of tasks. He was infuriating, and the worst part was he reminded Satine of herself in many ways, to a point where it was almost admirable.

If the devil was real, he was definitely residing in her boss.

In dire need of a rest, Satine spent Friday night winding down by cooking for Mingyu and his friends; this time treating Hoshi to a Chicken Alfredo. The boys didn't eat the meat for some reason, but the pasta went down great. From then on, she devoted the entirety of her evening to Mingyu, staying enclosed within his arms. The only time he let go was when he was using his hands for other things and getting ready to leave for their show.

Satine waited all week to find out what Mingyu was planning. So, sitting at their usual booth in Dynaco, she watched as he and his friends prepared to start their set. There was no ignoring that more and more people were coming to Dynaco to watch them play. Satine couldn't work out when or how they'd gotten so popular, but a part of her couldn't shake the feeling it had something to do with her. She knew it sounded vain, but as she sat against the wall with her bare legs sprawled out across the banquette, at least fifteen men took it in turns to send her flirtatious glances.

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