star: a la folie

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The sun shone through the window, casting a bright sheen over Satine's desk. She relished in the heat, overlooking the fact that she couldn't see her computer screen from the hue. For the first time, she began to miss the heat and her old summer dresses that never seemed to go out of season.

A part of her knew she only missed home because of her recent heartbreak, the one set on eating her alive. She had watched Mingyu and Diana over the weekend, and they were so amazing at hiding whatever feelings were lurking behind their façade; to a point where it was almost applaudable. It was as if they came to some kind of agreement - which truly sent her over the edge.

Eventually, the only escapism she found was at work as depressing as that sounds and even then, she was barely able to think over her boss' presence – it was so freakin' loud.

Things had been different since Jeonghan so boldly taunted Mingyu with his presence at Dynaco. Satine felt it every time he entered the room - the burning sensation of his hand on her waist, his grip of her wrist. It wasn't supposed to happen like that, he was supposed to behave himself and let his presence alone have Mingyu silently quaking. But it seemed Jeonghan was a lover of improv, and now Satine was the one suffering. She was scratchy all over, all-day-everyday, as she watched him lean over her co-worker's desks, complimenting them on their cloying perfumes.

Honestly, he must have been fucking with them - or her - she couldn't quite tell. They were all fucking fake, the lot of them.

She was waiting for the day that she sat on Jeonghan's throne, making them think twice for ever testing her patience. High school cattiness had nothing on the workplace and Satine had declawed her fair share of particularly brutal pussies. It's what had her sitting in the police station most Friday afternoons, flirting with the officers.

Nevertheless, she enjoyed that the entire office block was in high spirits come Monday morning, it meant they left her alone. She put it down to the weather change as spring hovered over the horizon, but she was more convinced that it had something to do with Jeonghan making his monthly employee check-up. He had Satine deliver each of the very few women in the building a bunch of roses with a handwritten note thanking them for their hard work. They would all giggle and blush and whisper rubbish about how lucky they were to have him as a boss.

The guy was borderline psychopathic and could tear them apart with one bite, yet all they could focus on was the sexy way he parts his hair.

It reminded her of what her maid back home would say every time she snuck over to Alex's. 'The devil is a charming man, mon étoile, and just like you I bet he can dance.' Satine had no idea what she meant by that, mainly because she knew it was a line from a Kate Bush song. Even so, her maid would recite it day in and day out like a passage from the Bible and it stuck. Every time Jeonghan's laugh carried through the corridor; those were the only words Satine could hear.

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