star: sinners play as saints

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After Satine wiped the remaining vomit residue from Diana's mouth, they all dragged their feet out of the police station to go home.

It had been a long day; maybe even the longest of their lives. Mingyu's face was hard with no expression, although that wasn't an entirely new trait of his. Hoshi was dead inside, floating about the place like he didn't exist. And Satine and Diana were huddled together in the cold, Diana under Satine's arm, still lightheaded from nausea. They hadn't said a word to each other, but it was still second nature for Satine to tend to her friend in times of need.

It was quiet in the parking lot - eerily so - but that's always the way with death. It leaves the living with a sense of darkness they just can't shake.

Satine and Mingyu glanced at each other, wondering whether to call a taxi or walk. The fresh air would have probably done them some good but judging by Diana's inability to walk in a straight line, driving seemed like a better idea.

"I think we should get a taxi," Satine said, looking down at her friend. She was as white as a sheet, her little body limp in her arms. "Hoshi, you're staying at ours, right?"

She turned to look at him, but only saw the back of his body as he staggered away.

"Hoshi! Where the fuck are you going?" Mingyu called after him, watching him walk in the complete opposite direction to Dynaco. "Don't go back to your apartment, not tonight." He couldn't understand how he was able to go back to the place surrounded by his dead friends' belongings.

Mingyu received no reply; Hoshi just continued scraping his converse along the sidewalk until eventually, the smoothness behind Satine's voice stopped him.

"Let him go, sweets, I think he wants some time alone."

She always understood him.

He came to a halt and slowly glanced back at her with a shaky breath. Despite the mascara stains and her raw lips, she looked as magnificent as ever. She was always so effortless; a natural beauty that was enhanced to devastating effects. It's not just her appearance he fell in love with, though. Not when the essence of Athena herself encompassed the redhead's body.

Satine was beautiful, inside and out.

Her gravitational pull was something he hadn't noticed until that moment. When his brain was scrambled, she was able to clear it.

"It's okay, Hoshi, do what you need to do."

Satine thought of Hoshi when the others didn't; helped him with his confidence when he had none. She loved him like a brother. He, however, saw her as way more than just his friend's girl. She was the love of his life.

Hoshi had always been a loyal friend to Mingyu, unlike DK. Yes, he suspected he was having an affair with Satine if that's what you're wondering. He saw the way they would glance at each other when no one was watching. He saw the way Satine broke down after hearing DK's farewell letter. He saw it all because no matter how badly he wanted to ignore her and his infatuation, she was the strongest magnetic force in the universe.

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