star manuscript: her grande finale

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Mingyu sobbed as Diana tried to remain calm. He could see how scared she was and all he wanted to do is cocoon his body around hers, protecting her from anything and everything - including himself.

But she had lost that luxury the moment she killed one of his greatest friends; he had to remember that.

"I have to do this." His body began to shake wildly once his finger rested on the trigger. "Wonwoo was my friend."

"Mingyu, don't." Satine was a foot away, her eyes narrowing in on the canon-shaped imprint on her best friend's forehead.

Diana's hand wrapped around Mingyu's wrist, looking up at him with utter devotion. "I trust you. It's okay, I trust you."

She was so beautiful but so fucking wicked.

The moon shone down, blanketing her with a silver hue to illuminate her skin, and those golden highlights weaving through her dark hair. She was so gorgeous even when tiptoeing on the brink of death.

Mingyu couldn't take her sweetness, it wasn't real. Her entire personality was fabricated to suit him.

"Don't make this harder than it already is," he snarled.

She closed her eyes, focusing on the feeling of his hands and the way they used to hold her like she was the rarest diamond the world had ever seen.

"Your heart is too good, Mingyu, you're not a murderer, you can't do this. All you need to do is trust me."

Oh, how wrong she was.

"You have no idea who I even am, let alone what I've done! Innocent people have died because of psychos like you." Because of psychos like his dad. "I can't let you get away with it."

No matter how much he loved her, he loved justice more.

"I love you, Mingyu, please don't do this. Please, I beg you."

"Go to hell."

Nothing would have prepared him for seeing the split second of pure terror in her eyes as she realised she was going to die - and that he was really the one pulling the trigger.

A deafening silence followed the blast.

In that instance, no one was hurting, no one was thinking, and no one was even breathing. Time just ceased to exist.

Of course, it sped up in a matter of seconds as they watched the body fall to the ground, her head cracking against the concrete.

Mingyu gasped as the remnants of her sprayed across his face, leaving him drenched in a coating of thick red blood. He didn't realise a body had that much blood, they teach you about it in school, but it never quite sinks in, you know?

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