star: pretty & shiny

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"I got a job!" Satine squealed, running into the apartment and jumping onto Mingyu's lap.

He let out a heavy groan as she landed rather heavily on his groin but smiled through the pain. "Ouch. That's great news, Red."

"Sorry, did I hurt you again?" She frowned as his eyes fixed open in pain.

"No, I'm fine. Just don't move." He knew what she was like, she was beyond clumsy and often caused more damage when getting up. "Tell me about this job then." He needed the distraction.

Where would she even start?

"It was the last one you circled. You know, the one down Park Avenue."

He thought for a second. "The barista one?" He'd written down the address as a backup. There was no way Satine was going to last making members of the public coffee. "Why the hell are you so happy about being a barista?"

"No, not that one!" She whined, hitting him. "They were interviewing girls for a personal assistant position in the same building. I just walked on up there and bang, I got the job!"

Mingyu was speechless at first, but then he realised this was Satine they were talking about, she was never going to settle for mediocrity.

His hands rested on her ass whilst she straddled him, gormlessly letting her chat away about how rude the interviewer in the Coffee truck was. He enjoyed the position they were in, it always led to his favourite thing.

Well, if they weren't interrupted, which they usually were.

"Wassup bro!" Hoshi yelled, swinging open the front door and running to slump down opposite.

Mingyu rolled his eyes at Satine once DK followed in after. "A heads-up next time would be nice, guys," he complained, guiding Satine off his lap.

"Never had to tell you we were coming before S-" DK stopped himself before using Satine's name. He saw the redhead start fiddling with his best friend's fingers. She looked sweet and happy before he spoke; he often had a problem with ruining her mood. It was accidental, but he couldn't stop himself from hitting rock bottom every time she was in the room.

"What's crackalacking then?" Hoshi changed the subject, picking up Mingyu's new guitar to start strumming. "Do I sense a new song coming on?"

Shaking his head, Mingyu turned to Satine with a fond smile. "I've actually been planning a cover for our gig Saturday night."

Amongst their originals, they played a lot of covers. They were one of the only bands that didn't have Satine covering her ears in horror. The groups back home had a habit of absolutely destroying her favourite songs.

"A cover?" DK was trying to get it out of him.

"I'll tell you guys later. It's a surprise for this one," Mingyu cocked his head at Satine sitting with a pout. She hated not being in the loop. Not once had she missed a gig and was practically the leader of their non-existent fan club. Managing them was what she used to do in her free time.

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