star: dropping like flies

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Begrudgingly dragging his feet from his room, Mingyu frowned at his Red Sonja twirling around the kitchen in nothing but her underwear.

"Why are you so giddy for?" he asked, startling her and almost making her drop the hefty pack of flour she was carrying as if it didn't weigh sixteen kg. "Fucking hell, surely that's heavier than you."

Mingyu was often surprised by the number of talents Satine possessed. She could carry a whole crate of beer up the stairs to his loft without even breaking a sweat. It was incredible.

"Flattery will get you nowhere." She turned around with one of her thin brows arched suggestively. She didn't realise how hard it was going to be to fake a casual conversation with him. Her mood had plummeted since everyone started dropping like flies - mainly because it seemed her crow wasn't too far behind.

"I find flattery gets me everywhere... It got me you."

More often than not, Satine felt herself studying his words. She was an excellent judge of character and could tell a liar a mile off. After everything, all the lies, all the cheating, he was able to drag her right back in with that one sentence. The weight had lifted from her drooping shoulders and catapulted her straight back to square one.

She stood captivated by her crow's gaze, completely forgetting the other man that was the reason for her blissful mood.

"You're right, keep the compliments coming."

The awkward tension that brought a dark cloud over the loft had finally cleared. After DK left, which was then shortly followed by Wonwoo's passing, Mingyu hid away in his room with the curtains drawn and his music up to full blast. It felt as if Satine was only there for one reason and one reason only, and that was to help relieve any pent-up anger or guilt he had. They barely spoke, barely crossed paths and barely remembered that they were in a relationship in the first place.

Mingyu wasn't a bad guy, he was just human, and Satine knew that. He was confused, unsettled and quite frankly broken - even more than he was before and rightly so. He had lost so much so quickly and that's enough to drive anyone mental.

It didn't help that his conscience was on high alert as well. On top of all the loss, he was considering the future and it didn't look bright. If he didn't make his decision soon, he would lose both Diana and Satine.

He thought the pain of losing the little brunette was going to be stronger, more triggering, but as his Red Sonja stood there half-naked in his kitchen, he was reminded of what comfort really looked like. It was coming home to Satine sprawled out on his couch watching yet another episode of Silent Witness. It was her awful cooking that always smelt amazing but tasted like barbecued horse shit. It was her blood-red hair pulled back off her face and her dark brown eyes. It was the way she put everything into caring for him and his friends.

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