star: rooftop

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Slouched on the old deck chair that Dan the bartender left for him, Mingyu strummed his guitar, noting down any lyrics that came to mind. His brain was absolute mush and kept rhyming avoid with cuboid like there was any correlation there.

He ended up vacating to the roof to avoid the pretty brunette parading around in her tiny shorts and fitted tee, knowing it was the only place he was truly able to be alone.

Mingyu had always been pretty laidback; the devil may care type that wouldn't think twice if he passed a car on fire, or if a bomb were to be set off behind him. But recently everything caught his attention, even the finest of details mattered. Down to the clothes he wore, the temperature of his apartment, the quality of his bedsheets, the foods stocked in his cupboards - and it was all because of her.

Diana was frugal. Her clothes were all thrifted but immensely stylish, somewhat similar to his own thinking about it. That's what drove him insane, the fact that she definitely noticed the change in shampoo he stocked for her and Satine to use - Sweet Cherry Blossom. How could he have been so stupid, so reckless thinking she wouldn't have noticed the expense? Not to mention the time he had Satine bent over against the wall and the smell of her hair had him periodically picturing Diana in her place.

His new conscience was going to ruin everything.

Two hours after escaping up to the roof, he was startled by the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs to the fire door. He lifted his head from his hands as the exit swung open and Diana stumbled through. She stopped in her tracks; her full lips rounded into an open pout.

Oh, fuck no.

"Oh, hey, sorry. I didn't realise you'd be up here..."

And just like that, the nerves settled back in - in the way they always would as soon as she slipped into the room, happily reading a new book every day.

He stumbled over his words. He'd never had a girl up there and frankly, he didn't know how to act. A simple hello wouldn't have gone amiss, but he was fucking stupid. Instead, he decided to be an awkward asshole.

"I told you I was heading upstairs and that I wouldn't be back until Satine was home..."

"Right..." she whispered with a frown.

She must have sensed his discomfort because she turned to leave, clearly trying to avoid the awkwardness.

"No!" He stopped her rather abruptly. "I'll go."

Very smooth. He scolded himself.

Diana let go of the door handle with a shaky breath and glanced over her shoulder at him. The way her richly curved body twisted was dangerous and way too provocative in her waist hugging jeans and tightly fitted T-shirt clinging to all the right places.

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