star: she's armed

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Mingyu had torn his apartment apart trying to look for his favourite hoodie. It was the hoodie he wrapped around Diana on the roof after noticing her shivering. She looked cute in it, the navy complimenting her silver skin - she always did remind him of the night sky.

He decided he wanted it back that morning after seeing her empty bed and vowed not to stop searching until he smelt her blossomy scent. Obviously, there was another reason for retrieving the item, the whole fear of Satine finding it buried beneath Diana's heaps of junk, but the desire to wear something previously pressed against the brunette's soft skin was his top priority.

He approached Diana's bed, scanning the windowsill for his hoodie that wasn't there. He knew what she was like, annoyingly messy and annoyingly reckless with her things, so he expected nothing less from her as he waded through piles of belongings. It was probably lost by now, stuffed down the back of the couch in her office; knowing her, stained and sticky from the number of drinks and sauces she spilt.

Pulling back her covers, he was met with a mixture of food wrappers and dirty clothes - she really was a slob - but he liked it. He liked that she got so engrossed in a book that she didn't leave her bed for hours; that she would take his recommendations like the secrets of the world. What he loved the most though, was that she found comfort in his home.

A small smile clung to Mingyu's usually hardened features as he dragged her hold-all out from the corner, still reminiscing the way he put her to bed the night after she so perfectly sucked his dick. He had wrapped her in his hoodie as she grew drowsy in his arms and carried her to bed. He didn't even adjust the five books piled up on her pillow, knowing the comfort it brought her.

Just the thought was absolutely adorable.

Reaching into the old bag, he felt around for his sweater but froze when his hand clutched around something hard, cold, and frighteningly identifiable from a single touch.

Mingyu's body shivered as he held it against the light.

Why the hell would she have a fucking gun?

The cylinder opened to three bullets sitting there intact. Had she already used three? Was it only loaded with six in the first place? Too many questions had crossed his mind. He wondered why someone like her would even risk having one.

A classic case of Deja Vu solved that case for him, however.

His mum kept one in her closet at all times and he knew why. It was the comfort of knowing that if the time came, she could protect herself and him.

The most sweet-hearted people always are the most mistreated.

Putting the gun back where he found it, Mingyu suddenly felt sick to his stomach that there was someone out there Diana felt like she needed to protect herself from. The thought of the greasy men in Dynaco was enough to drive him to lunacy, but this burned a hole through his core and the pain was unbearable.

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