star: just a kiss

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Wednesday morning came, and Mingyu was watching appreciatively as Satine ran around his room, stuffing everything into that tiny hold-all of hers. She was glowing, looking immensely doable as she kneeled to the floor in her matching underwear, trying ever so hard to zip up her bag.

After she danced provocatively around the bed, buttoning up her white blouse that matched the colour of her tiny little thong, Satine walked over to her crow lying attractively with his coffee, and straddled his barely clothed body.

"Behave whilst I'm away, yeah?" She pointed a manicured finger at him accusingly, biting down on her lip.

He smirked, admiring the way his cock looked in between her folds. "Yet here you are ready to go out and wreak havoc in that see-through shirt. Should I be jealous that you're running off to different country with another man?"

"Oh, no," Satine whispered sincerely, leaning forward and taking his lips with her own. "I'll be counting down the seconds until I'm back sitting in this exact spot. We've already established that I'll always come back to you, haven't we?"

"We have," he smirked at his red-headed beauty backing down the bed and lowering herself to his straining length. "Am I getting a going-away present or something?" He laughed as she began pressing light kisses up his clothed shaft.

Satine smiled innocently and shook her head. For the first time, she decided to play the tease and have him begging for it instead. He had shown her a lot more attention over the last few days in the lead up to her trip, but something still seemed distant with him; something she wasn't able to put her finger on. She was hoping absence would help his heart grow fonder.

"Like I said, behave and you'll be rewarded."

"You drive me mental; you know that?"

"I hope so, it's what keeps things alive!" Satine jumped up and wandered over to the dresser to put on the rest of her clothes, making sure to fake stretch as she went, giving him a nice view of her ass.

Leaving him with a lingering kiss, and then blowing him another by the sliding door for extra luck, she wandered over and flicked Diana's butt poking out of the covers. "Bye Dots, love you!"

With a displeased grumble, Diana reached up and grabbed her friends' boob, squeezing it before snuggling back down. "Bye-bye," she mumbled into her pillow, making Satine laugh as she slammed the front door.

Mingyu let out a fond chuckle as he approached Diana hanging off her blow-up bed. She was sound asleep, scrunching her nose every so often as something quite obviously irritated her in her dream. He lifted her head back onto the pillow and tucked her leg under the covers before heading to the kitchen.

He was halfway through pouring his milk into his cereal before her sudden raspy voice had him almost spilling it down his front.

"Do you always do that?" She appeared out of nowhere, stretching on the other side of the breakfast bar.

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