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"I just can't get any peace..." Jeonghan's head knocked back as he moved aside to let Satine through the door.

"I could kill him!" She immediately stormed over to his wine cooler and pulled out a bottle. Her abstinence had gone out the window since indulging in seventeen shots of tequila. The reason she stopped drinking in the first place was because bad things always happened when she was drunk. But it seemed bad things happened when she was sober too so what the heck, right?

"What happ-" Jeonghan cautiously watched as she began to chug. "That's twelve hundred dollars but okay..."

There was only one place Satine knew she'd be welcome after her argument with Mingyu. Actually, there was only one place she ever felt welcome, full stop. The luxury, residential Upper East Side was known for its wealthy inhabitants, and Jeonghan was the wealthiest, occupying one of the most expensive penthouses in New York. It was a pretty neighbourhood for a pretty man with more than enough space for a pretty woman.

Satine had stood outside the brownstone high-rise for an hour, wondering if coming back was the right decision.

She was starting to think she should have never left.

Her chunky loafers stomped around the suite, which didn't even remotely drown out her curses and the crash of the fruit bowl hitting the floor. She was majorly fighting the urge to smash his glass coffee table next.

"Why can't I just fucking call him out?"

"We've discussed this before." Jeonghan sat down and started absently flicking through a magazine with his face on the cover. "If you confront him, you make it easier for him to choose her."

"I know we've frickin' discussed it!" The redhead's volatile energy left him with an amused smirk. "I'm just beginning to think things need to end before somebody gets hurt."

He scoffed lazily in response, maybe she wasn't so smart after all. "Hasn't somebody already gotten hurt?"

Satine completely ignored him and continued pacing. Usually, when she would topple into Jeonghan's apartment, she was teaming with great ideas on how to spice things up with Mingyu. This time she had nothing. Their story was lacking a plot.

"Make a decision, Coquette," Jeonghan yawned. He didn't mean to come across so frank, but he'd played the game for long enough. The rules were starting to blur, and everyone was playing too fucking dirty.


That's when his attention was seized.

"What do you mean, okay?"

"I mean okay..." Her face irritably scrunched together. Satine and her attitude may have been the scariest thing on the planet.

Holy shit, this was it, he could feel it. Their time had come. The words "I'm done with him" were finally about to pour out of those deliciously full lips.

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