star: october of 96'

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It was late October of ninety-six and Satine was sitting on the porch swing outside her family mansion. Swinging backwards and forwards, with nothing to do but watch the gardener do a terrible job at cutting the hedges, she hoped her friend would turn up sooner rather than later. She was always running late, sometimes to the point where it would be classier not to turn up at all.

They had gotten in late the night before, only because Satine was hell-bent on finding herself someone to end the night with. Diana, of course, had her lips puckered and fixed to her boyfriend, Austin Martinez.

To say Satine was frustrated was an understatement. She went from being alone to owning the whole world with Diana; then back to being alone again.

Okay, fine, she was overreacting and she knew that. Diana spent just as much time with her as she did before, it's just the thought of her friend having someone else to rely on sort of niggled at her.

"What are you thinking about, gorgeous?" A voice called as they skipped up the drive.

Being broken out of her daze, Satine rolled her eyes at her friend. "Took you long enough."

"I was getting laid."

"Well, that makes one of us."

Diana slouched down onto the swing, resting her head on her friend's lap and looking up at her with a playful gleam in her eye.

"Don't look at me like that, traitor. You blew me off for a mechanic."

"I'm in l-o-v-e, that's why," she replied with her hand pressed against her heart. She

was in love, but in a superficial way where Satine could see straight through it. "God, you're such a killjoy lately. What's crawled up your ass and died?"

Flicking her friend's forehead and making her wince in pain, Satine crossed her arms.

"I've run out of things to do. I want to get out of this place and it just seems like more and more things are convincing you to stay."

Diana sat up straight away, looking sombrely at her friend. Years of friendship and she still struggled to read her sometimes. "What are you talking about? New York's got our name on it."

Ever since they met, they both shared the same dream of moving to a city. There were many to choose from, but something was drawing them to the big apple.

"You sure?" Satine raised a brow, side-eyeing her friend. She had a real problem with false promises, particularly where New York was concerned.

"One hundred percent. Though, I would like to travel first. I want to see Europe; I want to keep a diary logging all of my discoveries. I could use it as inspiration for a book one day."

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