star: real men

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It was a glorious morning, a rare break from the constant darkness that had shrouded Satine since the news about Wonwoo. It was the first time in a long time that she felt even remotely okay.

She had fallen off the wagon for a bit, consuming an unholy amount of alcohol in an attempt to manage how awful her life had become. But she was finally back on track - thanks to Jeonghan keeping her busy. She was on top of all her work, was treated to the most amazing lunch, and was currently rested at her desk doing fuck all. She deserved a break after working her little ass off.

"Coquette," Jeonghan purred, striding through the space with an air of dominance and smouldering intensity. He had come back from his two o'clock fitting looking absolutely impeccable, his silent power accentuated in his three-piece Saint Laurent suit. Never had Satine met a man that exuded so much raw sex appeal.

She rested her chin on her palm and sighed at his beauty - pathetically - after he threw her a wink.

"Jeonghan," she blushed.

"Ah, I almost forgot-" She heard him stop and her heart right about leaped straight out her chest as his hands clasped the desk from behind, cocooning her and the chair. "I've got a private meeting in ten, so maybe make yourself scarce." He always injected himself into her personal bubble, filling it with the scent of vetiver, and cool peppermint from his breath. "I don't like to share my secretaries."

As his warmth pricked her skin, it was as though every nerve in her body had erupted into a wildfire. The searing sensation was overwhelming, leaving her with an unquenchable thirst for an ice bath or to throw herself off a cliff into the Arctic just to extinguish the flames he ignited.

"And what if I want to stay?" she began teasing him; expecting his jaw to tighten or for his tone to darken, but of course it never did - at least not with her. "If these business partners are anything like you, I won't be able to hold myself back!" She put on her best damsel in distress impression, having him clicking his tongue in amusement.

"I must warn you, Coquette, my business partners aren't as merciful as I am. They may feast on the temptation that is the fairest maiden in the land..." Satine sensed a sly grin form against her cheek as he spoke. "But I suppose the decision is yours." He released her with a nonchalant shrug. "I just like to take care of my employees."

With a hint of frustration, Satine cast a dismissive glance towards him, standing in the doorway of his office. "So, I'm just a secretary, huh?"

"No." His face flickered with mischief, but then softened along with a sweet laugh. "You're my secretary."

Satine felt her face turn scarlet as the door closed, and almost choked on the breath she'd been holding. She was usually able to work through any illness or bad day, but the mere thought of Jeonghan was enough to throw her off balance. He was the one responsible for the frenzy in her stomach; she couldn't even think straight with all the pitchforks striking her gut. Her stomach was churning with demons and it was going to take a lot more than patting to calm them down.

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